Page 47 of Things Get Dark

The noises leaving my mouth were absolutely obscene, and when I glanced at the bed, I found Wade watching with dark eyes as he fucked his fist. I couldn’t do it. I needed to come.

Jeremiah was still by the door. Fully clothed.

Shit. New plan. I needed to force Dalton to come so I could have my last two men.

Hooking my feet around Dalton’s calves, I took over the pace of our fucking, driving my hips back and grinding against his pelvis on each stroke. His grip on me was tight enough to bruise, and I enjoyed that too as Zander sat back on his heels. Dalton stood, bending me at the waist so I hung like a rag doll as he pounded into me until he stilled and warmth flooded my ass. My legs were Jell-O and when he released me, I would have fallen if Zander weren’t there to catch me. In his usual way, he handled me more carefully than the others as he swept me into his arms and carried me the few steps to the bed.

“How are you feeling?” he asked, brushing my hair back from my forehead.

“Like I’ll die if you and Jeremiah don’t fuck me to orgasm in the next two minutes.”

Jeremiah’s chuckle was deep, and as close to warm as it ever got.

“No dying for you. But since you’ve been such a good girl, we’ll let you have the fucking.”

Like a silent whistle had been blown, both men stripped out of their clothes in record time.

“Come here, Matilda.” Jeremiah held a hand out to me. I was quick to take it, moving to stand in front of him. At his encouragement, I jumped, wrapping my legs around his waist as he walked us toward the nearest wall. Just before I made contact, Zander slipped in behind me. I reached back and wrapped a hand around his neck as they positioned themselves at my entrances and pushed in together. Stretched to the limit, I felt whole for the first time in a year as they held me between them, withdrawing and pushing in together, like storm tossed waves on the shore. It was too much and not enough. A sense of overwhelm made me want to shut down.

“Don’t you fucking dare leave me, Matilda.” Jeremiah’s black eyes burned into me, reading my soul like they always had.

“Stay right here and give me all your pleasure.”

Between them, they moved me over their lengths like I was weightless. Nothing but a vessel for their enjoyment. I adored the feeling.

This time, as the tingling in my body swelled, I knew there was no stopping it. My orgasm crashed over me, drowning me in sensation. My hearing dulled to a tinny ringing and my throat ached like I’d downed a fireball whiskey. A rough grip on my breast brought me back from the abyss as Zander bit down on my shoulder and shuddered through a release. Jeremiahfollowed shortly after, his face twisted into an achingly beautiful visage of torture and need.

They pulled out slowly, their release dripping down my thighs as Zander steered me down next to Wade on the bed.

“Fuck, that’s so sexy,” Wade muttered. He ran his fingers up my leg, then slipped them into my mouth, letting me taste them all. I hummed around his fingers.

“Insatiable.” He chuckled.

One day soon, I’d be able to have this every day. Every. Day. The thought calmed me. It gave me focus, and I relaxed into the moment as Dalton muscled his way onto the bed and shoved my legs apart, lowering his head to lap at me like he didn’t want to miss out.

Despite the pounding I’d taken, I spread my legs wider, gripping his hair and guiding his face to where I wanted him while reaching for Wade’s cock.

There were still a few hours left of the night and I was determined to make the most of them.

Chapter Five

The human body containsapproximately ten and a half pints of blood. It houses two hundred and six bones, with an incineration temperature of fourteen hundred to eighteen hundred degrees fahrenheit.

After waking up in a pile of corpses, I chose to shower before attending to anything else. The body Dalton wore had leaked significantly once he left it, and even the plastic wrap around Zander’s vessel had failed to stand the test of our fuckfest. I didn’t care what anyone said. Waking up with your hand buried in entrails was not something that you could fix with a hand wash. Once I’d scrubbed, soaped, and rinsed myself into a better mood, I detached the pipe from the back of the oven and sighed as the scent of gas permeated the room. Bless whoever decided to install fully functioning kitchens in this hotel.

I’d be sure to leave a five star review.

Checking the clock, I slipped my filthy dress back over my head and double checked the exposed wiring on the back of the landline telephone. My wake up call was due in two minutes. Ihad to be long gone before that because if I’d done it right; it was going to go off with a bang. If it didn’t work, I’d be pissed.

I slipped out the door and hit the emergency stairwell at a run, my feet slapping on the concrete steps. At the ground floor, I slowed my pace and crossed the foyer at a walk, nodding to the front desk clerk, who scanned me slowly from head to foot.Just a Halloween costume, nothing to worry about here. Luckily, it was either too early for the bullshit of a confrontation, or I’d come across the one person in existence who knew how to mind their own fucking business because I made it out of the building without incident.

As I crossed the street outside, an explosion rocked the ground beneath my feet, and I felt the weirdest pull in my cheek as glass rained around me. Once I reached the sidewalk on the far side, I turned and took in the chaos. Screams echoed around the street as people left the building at a run. Crying, bloody faces blended into one as they stumbled over each other, one stepping out in front of a car only to fall beneath the tires in a comical flailing of limbs.

Two stories up, where my room had been, warm, orange light was visible through the window dancing beneath a dark cloud of smoke. I wondered if the bodies would reach a great enough temperature to combust, or if some firefighter would find the remains and wonder what brought four men to the same bed.

Sirens shrieked in the distance, and the scene before me suddenly seemed mundane. I took a last look as flames licked at a closed set of curtains on the first floor and turned away.

I had three hundred and sixty-four days until my men returned.

Jeremiah told me everything would change next Samhain.

And I was so going to be ready.

The End