Page 18 of Things Get Dark

With a jolt, the cart begins to move.

Chapter Four


Above the creaking clackingof the coaster, I hear a shriek from ahead, my friend giving me a heads up of what is to come, and a laugh bubbles from me. Lights flash on and off illuminating the dark space, showing the violent scenes of fake gore and dummies made to jump out at unsuspecting victims with electronics.

As ghost rides go, it’s pretty good, it just isn’t extreme. Not to me, the effects are realistic, but gore isn’t what gets me. Nor are these cheesy jump scares. I’d like to know what it is to be truly afraid. Hopefully it will come on the other side. That guy was a creep, though he was more of an icky feeling than true fear.

A wisp of a featherlight caress skims across my cheek. Blackness shrouds me as the lights shut down. I didn’t even have time to look where the touch came from, the timing so perfect. A dark chuckle echoes and a sliver of fear and anticipation coils inside me at what comes next.

Without warning, the track veers sharply left, shifting me in my seat. No light returns, leaving me stranded with only my other four senses as I move forward in pitch blackness. Screamsgrow distant and the clickety clack of the track becomes my only constant.

The cart comes to an abrupt halt, my rounded stomach bangs into the safety bar; it doesn’t hurt, not really. My heart-rate ramps up, thrill at the unknown in this empty silence.

I wait.

Unease comes over me as the time ticks on and I chew on my lip with nervous energy. I must have been sitting here a few minutes at least by now. My eyes are getting used to the darkness, and I try to focus to see if I can make anything out, but there’s nothing. Has the ride broken down? Muffled screams continue in the distance of other customers. Could it be that something else has gone wrong?


It’s foolish, but I can’t help my call. I roll my eyes at my own stupidity, feeling like the idiot in every horror movie. Next, I’ll run up some stairs, not that there are stairs inside this tent. I try to keep my cool when the sound of steady footsteps from ahead makes my panic amp up. The steps sound slow, deliberate, is it audio or a real person? I can’t see anything, no flicker in the shadows of what little I can see. This is surely a ploy to scare me.

And holy shit it is working.

A shriek tears from my lips as a warm breath of air comes from behind me. Where the fuck did they come from? Is it real? Or trickery? I look around me frantically, turning as far as I can, yet still unable to see a thing.

“Nothing in this place could scare me.” My own words are thrown back at me from the darkness and it has me trembling. “How wrong could you be?”

Laughter surrounds me and it dawns on me that there is more than one of them here with me. One who is directly at my back, his laughter practically tickling my neck. My fight or flight attempts to kick in as I push frantically at the bar, the oneironically there to keep me safe. The one that currently holds me hostage. My damn curves. If I had been thinner, I probably could have slid out of this flimsy thing, but no, my hips and arse are firmly wedged in by this bar.

A hand moves around my neck, and an undignified squeak leaves my lips as the weight of a body hovers over my back. Calloused fingertips brush down from my neck across my chest, caressing my breasts, circling my peaked nipples and further below. I squirm as I feel soft lips press into my neck. This isn’t what I signed up for, or is it?

Why the fuck didn’t I read the consent form?

The click and hiss of the safety bar wasn’t what I was expecting. Are they letting me go? This must be part of the experience, my heart thuds and I am shocked to realise, I am almost a little disappointed this part is over. The man behind pulls away, but not before his lilting tone whispers in my ear.

“You can run, little mouse, but you won’t be able to hide forever.”

It’s not over yet.

Chapter Five


The little mouse isso much fun to play with.

Such an innocent little thing, so oblivious to the evil in this world. She hadn’t even noticed when I had balanced on the back of her carriage. My small stature has its advantages I suppose. I even gave her a little hint as I steered her off course to her fate. Even then, she didn’t think to check behind her. Maybe she had, I didn’t give her much time before the lights went out.

I wouldn’t have blamed her if she had wanted to curl up in fear, it hadn’t passed my notice of her treatment, of our new performer’s send-off. We will need to sort that out later, he knows the rules, and I was glad to witness his first solo performance. It is unacceptable and will be dealt with.

After her little squeak of fear, I wasn’t sure we would get to play. It wouldn’t be the first time an incorrect choice had been made, but her nipples are as peeked as my interest. When freedom is presented to her, she doesn’t hesitate and pushes her shapely body free from the confines of the carriage. She has the spark, the fight, and the prowess to be perfect for us.

I groan in satisfaction. My eyes are more used to the dark abyss of our playground than she is, I watch with fascination as she stumbles off to exactly where we want her. A little mouse trapped in our maze.

I’m poised ready to chase, waiting for the right moment, until she has had the time to think she is in relative safety. That’s when my brother will pounce and make his offer. He is far too predictable, but it is necessary. I have no doubt she will enjoy herself in the process.

Abel brushes past me grinning, the smeared makeup on his face distorting him into something demonic. As he moves beyond me, I can’t help gripping the back of his neck, pulling his lips to mine in a violent battle of dominance. Our teeth clash and my tongue licks at his in a dance. Groaning, I rip myself away from him, pushing him away. He needs to get this thing started before I get carried away.