There was a long pause.
Eidie wasn’t sure how to answer that. She shrugged. “It’s… just a nice thing to do. I’d love to be able to kiss you, too, but our position doesn’t really lend itself to it.”
Az grumbled something under his breath. “Eidie, stop making this weird.”
She laughed. It seemed the sex demon was a complete stranger to intimacy, and that called to a deep–seated desire within her that she hadn’t even been aware of. She suddenly wanted tokeepthis demon, to tame him and claim him as hers. It was a ridiculous notion, but as Az’s hands gripped her hips tighter, she wondered if he was listening in. A smirk crept overher face, and she closed her eyes, weaving an elaborate fantasy within her mind.
It was sunrise, dawn just breaking on the horizon. The air was balmy, a gentle summer’s breeze drifting in and billowing a soft, satin curtain. She and Az lay in bed together, each completely naked and tangled up in one another. Eidie would wake him with kisses, soft and chaste at first, peppering his face like she knew he had enjoyed earlier that evening. Gradually, as Az came to his senses, the kisses would grow more passionate, until he was moved to grasp her face gently in his hands and delve his sinful, forked tongue into her mouth.
A breathy moan from her back broke Eidie’s concentration. Az’s thrusts had grown faster still, his grip so tight upon her hips it was sure to leave behind bruises. He wasenjoyingwhat she was imagining, Eidie realised with a start.
“You like that, baby?” she asked, pleased when only a hoarse groan came in reply. Eidie closed her eyes once more, the scene she had begun building in her mind returning.
Now she and Az were top to tail. He had his face buried between her thighs, licking her into a frenzy, whilst she sucked his large cock into her mouth, bobbing and stroking both appendages just as she had done for him earlier. Eidie took him in as deeply as she was able, tears streaking her face as she moaned around him.
“Fuck,” the demon gasped. “K–keep going. Show me more.”
Eidie complied and the fantasy shifted. Now, Az was on top of her, both cocks buried in her just as he currently was, except this time she was on her back. She wrapped her legs around him as he slipped in and out of her, their tongues entwined in a passionate kiss. Eidie imagined herself reaching a climax, just as intense as the one she’d been treated to that night. Az would watch her face as she came, cradling her when she trembled within his arms. As soon as Eidie returned to her senses, shewrithed against him, digging her fingernails into his behind and she helped to drive the demon to his own end. With her tongue lapping the salty sweat from his throat, Az would follow her to climax, pumping her full of cum, whatever that looked like from a demon.
“Fuck, you’re about to find out!” Az moaned, shoving both of his cocks deep within her. “Fuuuck!”
Eidie continued to push back against the demon, relishing in the sensation of his cocks pulsing and jerking within her as he came. She smirked to herself; it was beyond amusing that gentle, romantic sex worked just like the obscenest of pornography on the sex demon. She supposed it was something Az had probably never experienced, and after what he had told her was millennia of mindless erotic conquests, Eidie figured he was well overdue for something fresh.
With a shudder, Az collapsed down on top of her. Eidie yelped, a giggle slipping from her as he pinned her beneath his weight. His chest was wet with sweat and heaving as he fought to catch his breath. She allowed him to lay atop her for a long moment, enjoying his skin pressed against hers more than she would like to admit.
“Well, that was unexpected,” Az eventually said, clearing his throat.
“You’re welcome?” Eidie replied. “Now get off me, I can’t breathe.”
The demon heaved himself up, his strong arms shaking a little beneath his weight. He pulled his cocks free from her and Eidie sagged down, burying her face in the sofa cushions with a long groan.
“I don’t suppose I can interest you in a shower?” she asked. “I’m feeling rather sticky.” Her eyes widened. “Speaking of which, do I, uh, need to worry about what just happened? I’mnot going to spawn the antichrist or anything like that now, am I?”
Az burst out laughing. “No, you’re good.” His dark eyes roved over her, sparkling with curiosity. “You’re an odd human, y’know that?”
Eidie shrugged. “When a complete sexpot of a demon accidently gets summoned by the Roomba, might as well take him for a ride.” She pushed herself upright. “It’s called making lemonade out of lemons.”
“That was some damn tasty lemonade,” Az muttered.
They sat side by side in silence for a long moment before the demon cleared his throat and rubbed the back of his neck.
“Well, I should get going. Halloween is a busy time for one such as me. My work here is done, and you’ve paid the price of summoning me and then some.”
Eidie felt strangely saddened by the thought of Az leaving her, never to return. How had things ended this way? She’d gone from being utterly terrified of him to worried aboutmissinghim once he returned from whence he came. This had to be demon trickery…
Just then, Az leaned into her. He cupped her face, just as she had imagined in her fantasy, and kissed her. It was passionate and tender, a perfect imitation of what Eidie had created in her mind. She sighed, stroking her hands down his forearms. When he eventually pulled away, Az smiled at her, swiping his thumb over her bottom lip.
“It’s been real, darlin’.”
“Don’t be a stranger, hm?” she whispered.
“You’re the one with the enchanted rug, remember?” he laughed.
She looked away, eyeing the rug in question with suspicion. “Of course. I wonder where it came from. Do you—” Eidiefaltered, turning back and realising she was once again alone in her flat, sitting completely naked and cold on her sofa. She shook her head. Had all of that really just happened? She found it hard to believe, but the slimy mess that was steadily seeping between her thighs was a stark reminder that she in fact hadn’t imagined the handsome demon. Eidie sighed, traipsing off to the shower alone.