Page 63 of Above All Else

“And where are you going? Where is home?”

I licked my lips, my foot crossing my ankle. “Um...his house in Philly.”

He scribbled again. “And what are you planning on doing there?”

I shrugged. “Recoup, I suppose. Rethink my life’s choices.” The sun flared across my scalp despite the cool temps. “I’ve known him my whole life. His sister was my...”Am I giving too much information?

He glanced up at me.

“She was my best friend.”


I nodded. “She died when she was seventeen.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.”

“It was a long time ago.” I pressed my lips together into a forced smile.

Not that it didn’t still hurt.

Officer Bucci gave a curt nod. “Alright. You may sit back in the car.”

“Thank you.” I rubbed my hands together and spun toward the front of the car as he pressed the button on the radio pinned to his shoulder.

“10-22 backup, possible 10-16 resolved. Female is code 4.”

Shutting the door, Carter shot me a look. “What was that about?”

“He thought...” my eyes narrowed on the officer walking around Carter’s side of the car.

“Mr. Morgan. I’ve issued you a citation for speeding and knocked it down to ten over.” He handed Carter his documents. Officer Bucci gave his speech on the court appearance, forced him to sign the document, vowing to appear, and flipped the metal writing pad closed. “Make sure you pay attention to the change in speeds throughout your trip.”

“Thank you. I’ll do that.”

Officer Bucci’s eyes connected with mine. “Be careful... merging with traffic.”

I returned a stiff smile, my hands pinned between my thighs, hiding the tremble in my fingers. My stomach swirled as though I’d dropped out of a rocket shooting into the sky.

Carter nodded. “Will do.”

Officer Bucci stood upright and made his way back to hiscruiser.

“What happened, June?”

My brows raised high on my forehead, my head shaking. “I... I don’t know.” Grabbing my water in the center console, I took three swallows, then screwed on the cap. “I thought I was going to jail. He searched me for weapons and then asked if I was okay. He wanted to know if you had kidnapped me.”

Carter merged in with traffic, setting his cruise at sixty-one. “And what did you tell him?”

“The truth.”

He raised a brow. “Which is?”

“I was fine. I didn’t need his help.” My beating heart abused my ribcage, causing dizziness to settle in my vision as the adrenaline waned.

“You did good, dollface.” He grabbed my hand and kissed my knuckles, sending warmth throughout my body. “You did good.”

Chapter 16