Page 73 of Above All Else

“Heh,no. This is for...”Girlfriend? Friend? Goddess...“I have a family moving into town, and I want to set them up near me.”

“Alright. Got an idea on house size, specs, needs, wants, desires?”

I frowned. “It’s an older couple. No kids. They currently live in a two-bedroom cabin that has been theirs from the fifties.”

“And they’re moving away from it? Damn. Alright. Price range?”

“Doesn’t matter. Just find something and get back to me. I want the papers signed and completed within thirty days.”

“Oof.You know, that’s kind of pushing it. It all depends on the sellers and everything accepting your offer—“

“Rooster. I get it. I want you to do what you can to bring it to a close ASAP.”

“You know I’ll do my best.”

“That’s all I ask for.” I hung up and stepped back into the hotel room, my adrenaline rising, making me amped for a dreadedeight-hour car ride.

“Mmm.“ June stretched her arms above her head, her toes pointed beneath the sheets. “Where did you go so early?”

“Work.” I held up my phone and then pocketed it. “Speaking of... I hate to rush this...” Crawling onto the bed, I braced myself above her and kissed her button nose. “But we need to leave. The office is in crisis mode, and they need my help.”

She frowned as she pulled her arms free and wrapped them around my neck. “You need to work right away?”

“Unfortunately.” I nuzzled into her neck. “But it’ll be the evening by the time we get home, and you can settle down, watch a movie, or take that bath you wanted.”

She groaned with a dizzying smile. “After what you put me through last night. I could use a jacuzzi.”

“I’ve got that too.”

Her brows jumped. “Made something of yourself, eh, Carter Morgan?”

“You could say that.” I nibbled on her neck, drinking in her honeyed scent. “Come on.” I pulled away, my raging hard-on trapped in a linen prison, and slapped her thigh. “We need to get food in your belly, and the breakfast bar just opened up downstairs.”

“Oh, pancakes sound divine.”

“Sorry, only waffles. But I promise I’ll make you pancakes tomorrow morning.”

She smiled, lighting up the room as though she possessed the power of the sun. “I’ll hold you to it.” Flipping the sheets offher body, she dug through her bag of clothes and tossed a shirt over her head as I found mine, her nipples pebbling against the fabric.

“I think we need to get you some undergarments.” I pulled the shirt on and stared at her nipples.

She frowned and glanced down at her slender frame. “Why? You don’t like me being naked anymore?”

I groaned and stepped into her, enclosing my arms around her waist and lifting her into the air. “Quite the opposite.”

She bound her legs around me, her fingers tracing the rough edge of my week-old scruff, and then kissed me, so soft and delicate, like a whisper that wouldn’t stir even a sleeping child. “So it drives you crazy?”

“You know it does.” I ground my hips into her, letting my hard cock rub against her skin, her center wetting my pants.

“Well, you’re going to have to live with it now. I’ve grown accustomed to going commando.”

We stood in silence, my hands braced beneath her ass, my gaze darting to the clock.

Do we have time?

I need to be inside her.

It’s not like Ihaveto be there in ten hours on the dot.