Taking the black wooden staircase winding up to the second floor, I made a wide berth around the door with the fingerprint lock beside it, bumping into the banister with my elbow, causing tingles in my fingers.
I shuddered.
Cracking open the next door five spaces down, I surveyed the room with a wary eye. Someone decorated the room in a country theme, with patchwork quilts and faded gingham curtains that were like a cruel joke.
With a grunt, I stepped inside and dropped her onto the bed with a bounce—her hair spread out against the comforter.
Now what?
I stood above her sleeping frame with my arms crossed, my gaze sweeping over her plump breasts confined in the black lace negligee.
Once upon a time, that could have been mine.
Bending over, I fingered the thin little number and peeked beneath.
My rebellious cock hardened when the matching black thong came into view—the small roses printed on the front disappeared between her legs.
My gaze trailed down her slim legs, the small blonde hairs on her upper thighs fading into smooth, tanned skin, despite the diminished sunlight in this godforsaken town.
June moaned, her head tipping to the side as I dropped her negligee and stepped back, my ass landing in the square chair situated in the corner of the room.
I crossed my ankle over my knee and leaned back into my chair, my thumb swiping across my bottom lip.
A deep, guttural scream boiled out from the hallway, drawing my attention away fromSleeping Beauty, then stopped asthough someone squeezed his vocal cords... or sliced them.
Knowing the company kept in this cabin, including myself, it wasn’t so far-fetched to believe—although I was in the business of taking care of the bodies after they’d passed, I’d never taken part in their passing.
June should have been my first... and only.
I turned back to her and glanced at my watch.
Not long now.
Shucking off the mask, I placed it on the floor beside me as her leg kicked to the side—the ketamine metabolizing through her system at a textbook rate.
The black horseshoe décor rattled against the wall, followed by a muffled, sensual groan. I ground my molars together.
June’s eyes darted open, and she inhaled through her nose. “What’s happening?” She sat upright, her eyes roaming around the room as she palmed her forehead. “Oh God. I think I’m going to vomit.”
Her face turned pale white, her body swaying as if off kilter.
“There’s a trash can to the side.”
June turned her head slowly, her eyes wide. “Carter?” Her brows furrowed. “Where am I?” She glanced around the room again, her hand dropping to her belly. Tears pooled in her vibrant, red, irritated eyes.
I held my arms out to the side. “Hell. Do you like it?”
A hand clamped down over her mouth, stifling the cry that rose in her throat. Her wide eyes darted to the door, panic flashing in them like a warning beacon.
“We’ve been there before. I think you’ve learned there is no point in running from me.”
She shook her head, steadying herself as she found her feet. Her gaze locked onto the nightstand.
Here we go.