The part I don’t understand is why when Cale’s lips were on me that not one thought of Tyler crossed my mind, as if he was forgotten. Cale consumed my every thought and need, making me feel . . . alive, and cared for. He made me believe for just a small moment that it’s possible to let everything go and let someone else take care of you. I really needed that and he could tell. He’s always been able to read me.

Now I’m left with another question: how does he feel about me? I know he loves me as a friend and that he’ll do anything for me, but would he really go out of his way to please me sexually if his only feelings toward me were platonic? Knowing that he’s a stripper confuses me, because I’m sure he doesn’t have a problem with sexual attention, and it makes me believe that he possibly does have real feelings for me. Male strippers are known for their reputations. Considering what they do, it’s plausible that they’re sexually active with probably about seventy percent of the girls that come and see them, but I hope that’s not the case with Cale.

Throwing the blanket from my legs, I quietly get out of bed and walk through the living room on my way to the bathroom. I’m sure to be as quiet as possible, worried that I’ll wake Cale up. He’s had a long night and the last thing I want to do is take away from his sleep.

On the way back to the bedroom, I find myself wanting to see Cale one more time before falling asleep. For some reason my body aches just to get a glimpse of him.

I quietly make my way over to the couch and peek over it.

“What are you doing, Rile?”

I jump back from the sound of Cale’s voice. I wasn’t expecting him to be awake.

“I couldn’t sleep. I just wanted to make sure you were sleeping.”

He tiredly smiles at me and reaches for my arms, pulling me onto the couch with him. “I’ll help you fall asleep. Come here.” He lifts the blanket so that we’re both underneath, before snuggling me to his chest and wrapping his arm around me.

I let out a small gasp when I feel his bare dick against the exposed skin of my belly. “You’re naked, Cale?”

He just pulls me closer and starts rubbing his hand through my hair, calming me. “Just close your eyes, Rile. I got you.” He kisses the top of my hair. “Go to sleep.”

I’M JUST FINISHING UP WITH Lynx when I hear the door open behind me. I got a little behind because Lynx constantly wanted to talk and request that I spend extra time on his upper thighs. Every time I tried moving to the next body part, he kept saying that his muscles were still tense.

Feeling frustrated, I don’t even bother turning around. “I’m almost done here. Come back in ten please. I apologize.”

I hear the door close behind me, so I automatically suspect that the person left, but when Lynx opens his eyes and smiles past me, I realize that the person is still in the room.

I quickly turn around and get ready to usher the person out when my eyes set on Cale. He smiles at me before turning to Lynx. “No wonder your ass wasn’t at the club.”

Cale lifts an eyebrow as Lynx sits up and slowly gets dressed. “Yeah, well I was feeling a bit tense and this beautiful lady was helping me relax. What’s it to you?”

I see Cale’s jaw tense, but he quickly shakes it off and leans against the wall as Lynx finishes dressing.

I look between the two of them, before setting my gaze on Lynx. “So I’m guessing you’re a stripper too?”

Lynx gives me a cocky grin, before walking up to Cale and squeezing his shoulder. “Nah . . . I’m the boss man. Right, Cale?” He winks.

Cale shrugs his shoulders and eyes him carefully as he reaches for the door handle. “When you’re actually there,” he says stiffly.

Lynx brushes off Cale’s coldness and turns back to me. “I’ll see you in a couple days, Magic hands.” He winks and then disappears out into the hall.

Cale grunts to himself and quickly starts getting undressed as I clean and prepare the bed. “Is he in here a lot, Rile?”

I smooth out the new sheet and look behind me. “He’s been in here a couple of times. He’s pretty persistent when he wants something. I guess I can see why now.”

Cale reaches out and grabs my chin, bringing my eyes up to meet his. “Has he tried anything with you? Tell me right now if he has.”

I shake my head. “No, Cale. Nothing besides the extra time that he requests on his upper thighs, but I’m starting to get used to that with this job title.” I let out a small laugh, but Cale still seems tense.

“Promise me that you’ll let me know if he touches you. I don’t like the idea of you two in here alone together. He’s got quite the reputation at the club.”

I place my hand on his arm and he releases my chin. “Don’t worry, Cale. I’ll be fine.” I point down at the bed. “Now get your ass naked so I can get started.” I offer him a lighthearted smile. “I’m starting to see that you do everything naked.”

He pulls his jeans down and I turn my head away so he can get out of his boxers. “I’m happier when I’m naked, Rile. What can I say?”

I’m happier when you’re naked too . . .

When I turn back around, Cale is laying on his back, looking up at the ceiling. The small towel is doing an even shittier job of hiding his junk than the last time.

Squirting some oil into my hands, I start at Cale’s shoulders and slowly work my way down his chest. “You working tonight?”

He lets out a small moan when I reach his lower abdomen. “Yeah . . .” he breathes. “In a few hours actually.”

The way that he bites his bottom lip each time my hands get lower on his abdomen makes me want to see what he’ll do if I touch him sexually. Would he stop me or let me keep going? I try to push the thought aside, but each time I notice him bite his lip and growl I feel my insides jump.

He seems a little tense after seeing Lynx in here . . . He did do me a little favor last night. I just wouldn’t be a very good friend if I let him go to work like that, now would I? I’m going to say no . . .

Taking a deep breath, I round the table without removing my hands to create a better angle, and then slide my hands under the towel, wrapping both of them around his thick dick, slowly stroking up and down, feeling it quickly growing in my hands.

“Oh shit . . . Rile.” He bites into his lip again, but harder this time, as he grips my waist. “Fuck . . . my cock is so hard for you.”