She looks so damn beautiful and peaceful, lying there in my clothes and bed, that I feel bad for having to wake her so early. A part of me just wants to crawl into my bed with her and say fuck everything else. Fuck Sensual Touches and fuck Walk Of Shame. I want Cale and Riley time and you better believe that I will be getting it as soon as I get off work tonight.

Just as I’m about to lean in and brush her beautiful, brown hair out of her face, she opens her eyes as if she can sense I’m next to her.

She stretches and smiles up at me, looking sweet and innocent. It makes me wonder just how innocent her sexy little body really is; although, I have a feeling that it hasn’t been as innocent over the last six years as I’d hoped. “Morning.” Sitting up, she looks around as if trying to figure out what time it is. “Did I over sleep? Shit!” She changes position in a panic, tossing the pillow aside.

“Hell no, Rile. I wouldn’t let that happen. I got you.” I reach for her hand and help her up to her feet. “Come eat so that I can take you home to shower and get ready for work.”

She stops walking and gives me a funny look. “You cooked us breakfast?”

I give her a light slap on the ass to get her moving again. “No.” I laugh as her eyes light up at the food on the kitchen island. “I made you breakfast. I hardly eat in the morning. Plus, it’s early as hell, Rile. I’m never up this early.” I lean against the fridge and cross my arms as she pulls out a stool and takes a seat. “I’m going back to sleep as soon as I drop you off. I have to work later tonight.”

She holds up a pancake, before slapping it down onto her plate. “Thank you. You really didn’t have to do all of this. I could have stopped for a quick sandwich on the way to work. That’s what I usually do.”

I shake my head. “You’re in my house; therefore, I feed you. Now eat up.”

It’s silent for a few minutes while she eats, before she finally speaks up, breaking the comfortable silence. I bring a glass of orange juice to my lips. “You work at the bar tonight? Bartending, right?”

I choke a little on my orange juice, realizing that I haven’t mentioned the small fact that I’m a fucking male stripper. The last time we had talked I was mostly bartending. I didn’t think the stripping part was going to last.

I set my orange juice down and walk over to grab her empty plate, bringing it to the sink. “Why don’t you go and change real fast and we’ll talk on the way to your parents’.”

She nods her head and sets her empty glass into the sink. “Good idea. I’m running out of time and I can’t afford to lose this job if I want to find my own place soon.”

I quickly dress and we both end up meeting by the front door in less than five minutes. Opening it for her, I lock the door before closing it behind us.

It feels so strange being outside at this time in the morning. It’s so quiet and peaceful. I have to admit, I sort of like being up right now, and having Riley by my side makes it that much more enjoyable.

After helping her into my truck, I jog over to the driver side, mentally preparing myself for the bomb drop. I just hope that she can handle it without thinking any less of me. I never really cared what anybody thought about it until . . . now. She’s always known me as the sweet Cale. I’m definitely far from her sweet Cale today, especially with my body.

She smiles and faces me as I pull out of the driveway and onto the road. “So . . . tell me about your job, Cale. I want to know what you’ve been up to. I want all the details.”

I grip the steering wheel and grind my jaw, preparing for her reaction. There’s really no way of sugarcoating this. I just have to come out and say it and hope that she accepts it. “I’m stripping tonight.”

She lets out a small laugh as if she thinks I’m joking. “Stop playing around, Cale.” She grabs my knee and squeezes it. “Really, tell me.”

I stop at a red light and look over at her. I give her a serious look to show her that I’m not joking. “I’ve been stripping at Walk Of Shame for a while now. I only bartend a couple of nights a week now.”

“Green light,” she says quickly.

I turn away from her to pay attention to the road, just waiting for her to say something else. I want to know what she truly thinks about me now. I always want nothing but the truth from her and I always know that she’ll give it to me straight.

“That’s actually pretty cool. I bet you make a lot of money,” she says, as if it’s no big deal. “If you have the body, then hey . . . show it off. I can’t imagine anyone complaining.” She smiles at me and I feel a flood of relief wash through me.

“I haven’t had any complaints yet.”

She laughs. “Well obviously, Cale. You have the body of a God.” She gives me a look that makes me want to rip her clothes off and fuck her right here. “I’ve always wanted to go and see male strippers. I’ve just never had the opportunity.”

I lift an eyebrow. “You going to come and watch me one night then?”

She gently bites her bottom lip. “We’ll see.”

I pull into her parents’ driveway and lean in to give her a kiss on the cheek. “I’ll come pick you up when I get off work tonight. We still have a lot of time to make up for, and until then you’re mine.”

She huffs and glances at the house, looking as if she already wants to run away. “I’ll be here, waiting. I’m off by four and I’ve been thinking about swinging by to see Aspen for a bit.”

“Sounds good, Rile. Tell Aspen that she needs to come and see me soon. It’s been too long.”

“Will do.” She smiles one more time before hopping out of the truck and walking away, stopping to smile back at me, before disappearing into the house.

Damn, this is going to be a long day.

I’M JUST GATHERING UP MY things to leave work for the day when Hailey stops me by poking her head out of her door.

“Hey. Are you leaving?”

I nod my head and look down at the keys in my hand. “Yeah, I’m heading out right now. What’s up?”

She gives me a sweet smile, obviously trying to butter me up for something. “I’m running a little behind and I have a client that’s been waiting for like twenty minutes. Kylie has been on my ass and I can’t handle her shit right now. Can you please take care of them so I can finish up?” She nods her head toward her door and whispers, “This suit pays a lot of money and he’s not ready to leave yet. So?”