I feel my heart soar as he flashes me his sweet, dimpled smile. He’s the most beautiful man in the world and here I am in his truck. I’m finally able to do the things to him that I’ve wanted to do for most of my life, and I don’t plan on stopping anytime soon.

Shifting the truck into drive, Cale reaches over, intertwining his fingers in mine. “I’m happy that you’re back.”

“Me too,” I say with a smile. “Oh . . . I almost forgot.” I shift in my seat so that I can face him. “My parents are having a cookout tomorrow and they want you to come. They’ve been asking about you. Aspen and Slade will be there too. Are you up for it?”

He smiles while pulling into his driveway. “You know I’m in. I haven’t had the chance to bug your parents in a long time; too damn long.”

I roll my eyes at just how much my mom loved Cale. I swear she had her own little crush on him. “I’m sure my mom won’t mind one bit.”

He points to his tight chest and abs. “I’m not sure she can handle all this new goodness that I have. Your father might have to keep her contained.”

“Someone’s a little cocky.” I lean in and motion for him to meet me half way. “Come here.”

Smiling, he leans in and reaches his hand behind my neck. Just as he’s about to kiss me, I grab his nipple and twist it. “Mmm . . .” he moans. “Are you trying to work me up again?”

Sucking his bottom lip into my mouth, I slap his chest, before letting my hand trail down it. “A little sleep would be nice . . . so . . .” I bite his bottom lip and pull away. “I think I’ll go to bed instead.”

He gives me a long, serious look, before jumping out of the truck and running over to my side.

Before I can lock it he pulls my door open and reaches inside, tossing me over his shoulder. “You should know better than to tease me, Rile. Haven’t you learned anything about me over the years?”

He shuts the door and slaps my ass, before laying me down into the grass and crawling above me.

Looking into his eyes, I tangle my fingers into the back of his hair. “I don’t want this to end, Cale.”

He swallows and reaches down to brush my hair out of my face. “No one says it has to.”

“But . . .” I stop to collect myself. “What if it ruins us? I can’t lose you, Cale.”

Pushing my thigh up, he presses himself into me and kisses me long and gentle, before pulling away. “I will never let that happen. I’ll die before it does.”

Rolling over, he pulls me into his chest and we both lay here, looking up at the night sky just like we used to do some nights after a late night swim at his house. It’s so calm and relaxing that I almost feel myself falling asleep, but I keep catching myself, not wanting to lose one minute that I have with Cale.

“It’s okay if you fall asleep,” Cale whispers. “I’ll carry you inside.”

I shake my head and wrap my fingers in his. “I’m fine . . .” I yawn. “I’m not going to fall asleep.”

“That’s what you always say,” he says softly.

Next thing I know, I’m falling asleep in his arms . . . just like I always did.

Cale has always been my comfort and safety . . .

“HURRY UP,” I MUTTER UNDER my breath while looking up at the clock on the wall. “Ten more minutes. Ten more minutes.”

Mr. Peterson attempts to sit up, but I politely push him back down onto the table. “No more flipping over please, Mr. Peterson. We only have ten minutes left of your session.”

Relaxing once again, the elderly man places his hands behind his head and lets out a long sigh. “An hour isn’t enough time. What you need to do is teach my damn wife how to do that stuff you do with your hands. That’s what I need.”

I let out an amused laugh while firmly massaging his left calf, being sure to work out the knot as best as I can. “I’ll see what I can do, Mr. Peterson.” I smile down at him as he struggles to look up at me. “But then you may not need me if I do that.”

“Nonsense,” he growls. “You’re not getting rid of me that easily. I haven’t felt this young in ages. My wife . . .”

Mr. Peterson continues to babble on about his wife, but all I can focus on is the fact that Cale will be here any minute to pick me up. It’s only been eight hours, but it feels a hell of a lot longer since I’ve felt his lips on mine, and it’s driving me insane.

As much as I would like some alone time with him before the cookout, we’re heading straight over to my parents’ to please my mom. She’s been asking when he’s going to come visit her ever since I walked in the damn house a little over a week ago.

My parents haven’t seen Cale in over a year, and I know without a doubt that my mom is going to freak out as soon as he walks in the door. I wouldn’t be surprised if she attacks him with kisses.

She’s always loved Cale, and when I had to leave to help care for my grandmother it seemed as if it hurt her that I had to leave him behind almost as much as it did me. I cried myself to sleep that night, and my mother watched me with wet eyes, telling me that Cale would still be here when I returned. She was right, even though I didn’t believe it at the time.

I shake out of my thoughts in just enough time to see that our time is up. Thank God!

“Alright, Mr. Peterson. We’re out of time.”

Grunting, the old man sits up and stretches as I turn on the sink to wash my hands. “Much better,” he says in a raspy voice. “My wife might just be a lucky lady tonight, thanks to you.”

“Glad I could help,” I say, while trying not to let that image ruin my day. “So I’ll see you the same time next week?”

I get another grunt and a, “Yes,” as he stands up, letting his towel fall to the floor. I’m greeted with the sight of his baggy tightie whities, making me instantly turn my head and cover my face. That’s definitely not a friendly sight.

“Whoa,” I say, taking this as my cue to escape. “I’ll just head out and let you finish up. Tell your wife hello for me.”

I hear a mutter. “Yeah. Yeah.” I quickly dodge out into the hall and shut the door behind me.

“Oh, sweet freedom, how I love you,” I say to myself while making my way past Hailey’s door and down the short hallway.