Page 80 of Falling with Grace

Antonio tipped his hand, dropping two white pills into mine, then handed me a glass of water, which I handed to Grace.

She knocked them back as Antonio pushed through the narrow gap in the door with a bundle of clothing and a handful of pads and tampons. "Nadia thought these might help."

Nadia did this?

I placed the offerings on the counter and shut the door with a curt nod.

Maybe she wasn't as shallow as I thought.

Turning back to Grace, I took the glass from her outstretched hand.

"Can… I mean, I know you've seen me already, but… can you turn around, please?"

I sighed. "Do you think you can do it on your own now?"

She hesitated but then nodded. "The warm water helped alittle. Thank you."

"Alright, I'll leave you to it. My men will be right outside. Let them know if you need something."

I picked up my ruined loafers and stepped outside of the steamy bathroom.

Nadia stood at the end of the hall, a scowl etched into her face, her arms crossed over her chest.



Gentle rays of morning light filtered through the curtains, casting a soft glow over the room, the tails of the material undulating with a quick snap.

I raised my hands above my head, stretching my sore muscles, my thighs burning. A small, strained whine pushed through my pursed lips as muscles loosened with relief, my feet sliding out from beneath the black covers.

They were a nice change up from five days ago when he'd left me in the shower, his argument trailing away with an irate Nadia who didn't appreciate him in the shower half-naked with another half-naked woman.

He'd kept his distance for the first two days, catching glimpses of him at the breakfast table or making food in the kitchen with Rosa, but after, it was as though the event written on my heart never took place— the look in his eyes, his gentle touch, and caring soul disappeared into the dust of space and time.

And then there was Nadia, who would smile, pretending as if the whole house didn't hear their argument.

I avoided her as much as Elias did me, but one could only do so much hiding before it brought about attention.


What will today bring?

Will he look at me?

Talk to me?

"Ugh." I tossed the covers off with disgust and an eye roll to the ceiling.

A refreshing breeze kissed my moist skin, and my night attire, saturated with sweat, clung to me despite gravity's indifference.

The nightmares had subsided since Elias ushered me indoors, but the perspiration persisted, leaving my salty skin yearning for a shower.

Nine thirty-eight A.M.


There goes breakfast.