Page 45 of Falling with Grace

The tepid water slid down my throat, caressing it with a comforting, heavenly embrace.

Elias shifted in his seat, the wood creaking beneath him as he uncrossed his leg. His polished shoe made a subtle, purposeful connection with the ground.

He leaned in, his eyes piercing and insistent, and snapped his fingers.

Javier disappeared out the door.

"Where is Andrés?"

I swallowed the mouthful of water and shook my head. "I can't tell you."

Elias scrunched his chin with a slight nod and stood. "Okay."

My heart leaped into my throat as he retreated through the door.

That's it?

A moment later, Javier stepped into the room with a hose.

High-powered water blasted me in the face, my bruised nose and cheek stinging from the water spray biting into my skin.

I screamed and gargled on water as it shot to the back of my throat, choking on the inhale. I drew up my hands and let the spray batter my palms.


The dried blood on my forehead washed down my face, and the crusted crimson patch on my shirt spread past my breasts as the water soaked through my clothes.

"Tell me where he is."

He moved the water spray across my body, pelting every sore muscle, bruise, and ache.

"I can't tell you."

Water pooled beneath me, soaking the child-sized tattered blanket they called bedding.

He shut the water off, tossed the hose outside, and slammed the door behind him, plunging me into frigid darkness.

Water dripped off my hair and nose. My muscles quivered as uncontrollable shakes wracked my body.

Sobs broke through as I huddled in the corner, my hair plastered to my face. My shoulder shuddered, and my belly growled in stern protest.

Why is he doing this?

Why is Andrés so important to him?

A whirring motor fired up outside of the door, grabbing my attention.

What the hell was that?

The far wall across from me jerked inward.

My heart stopped, and a slight case of vertigo caused me to teeter.

"What's happening?"

I slammed my hand against the wall behind me. The wall slid again as though it were sliding into the room like an RV wall, getting ready to hit the road.

"Stop." My voice broke from a whisper, my heart racing the air into my lungs. "Stop."