"He's made you weak." Ire bled through his words. "How predictable."
I sneered, then wiped it from my face before he saw it.
Dust stuck in my nose and gave off a musty scent, overriding his hot breath.
"Did he touch you?" He snickered through clenched lips. "Of course he did." He tugged my head up by my hair, my wound agonizing. "Who can resist you? You're much more beautiful than her."
"Where did he touch you?" Andrés dropped my hair, his fingers trailing down my bruised back from his 'welcome home' party, and dipped between my butt cheeks, his finger probing my dark hole. "Here?"
His finger dipped in, and I lurched forward, my teeth digging in tight against my lips. The need to scream ate at me as my flesh burned, copper spread across my tongue.
"No. You're much too tight. Maybe…" He lowered his hand and plunged two fingers deep into my core. "Here."
My back bowed, the sting branching out in hateful waves as his fingers moved inside me, my vision darkening.
"That must be it." His belt buckle jingled. "I'm sorry I wasn't here when you arrived." He moved around and settled behind me. "But it seems my men made you feel welcomed."
I closed my eyes as he withdrew his fingers, and I took a deep breath in through my nose. My body braced for the inevitable surge of his body in mine, his hips rocking, and his whining grunts above me.
Wet fingers brushed against my chin. "Taste your need for me." They slipped between my clenched lip and probed my teeth, his fingers sliding between my cheek. "Open your mouth, Grace."
My jaw unlocked, and his fingers touched my tongue. A salty tang burst across my mouth, my gag reflex firing as he shoved them deep into my throat.
"There we go." His fingers pulled from my mouth as he ravaged my body like sandpaper against soft flesh. "He's ruined you in such a short period of time."
A dense fog draped over my senses, casting darkness over my thoughts. The muscles in my face slackened, and my nerves dulled until the only tangible remnant of my existence was the rhythmic rocking of my body.
He slapped my ass with a callous crash, his cum warming my thighs.
I spit my bitter taste on the floor and closed my eyes, squeezing them tight. When I opened them, he knelt beside my head, his pants pulled tight, my breaths slow and useless, time slipping through my fingertips.
"Welcome home, Grace." His voice warbled as though I sat underwater. "I have a gift foryou."
My ears rang out.
I pinched my eyes closed again and fell to my side, liquid dribbling down my center.
"Take a look." His fingers probed through my hair, snagging and clenching.
"No," I said through clenched teeth.
He jerked my head upward, my neck smarting as his other nestled under my chin, squeezing my throat. "This is the best part."
Duarte and Rachel hobbled through the door, their shoulders hunched, their gazes cast downwards as we'd been taught.
He's alive?
Miguel never mentioned Duarte.
The space between my brows creased, and a tear slipped down my cheek.
"I saved them just for you." Andrés squeezed my throat, pinching off my windpipe, my breaths wheezing. "I wanted you to see your consequences firsthand. You know? Teach you a lesson you'll never forget."
"Let them—"