Page 151 of Falling with Grace

"Ready?" I adjusted my suit cuffs, fixed my pistol at my back, and took a deep breath.

Javier snickered as we stepped closer to their seats. "Yes."

"Hello, Mrs. Patraeus." I wrapped my fingers around the chair tucked beneath the table and pulled it away. I sat, unbuttoning my suit jacket, Javier taking his position behind Carter. "Why don't you and theniñosgrab some ice cream? I hear they have a wonderful selection. On me." I reached into my jacket pocket and pulled out my wallet, distributing one hundred Pesos.

Carter frowned, his gaze bouncing between me and Javier as I put my wallet away. "What do you want?"

I held my finger up, pausing his inquisition. "Stand up and take your children, Mrs. Patraeus. I won't be courteous again."

Her throat bobbed as she nodded, her hands shaking. She stood, her chair scraping against the stone surface. "Come on, kids."

"Mommy, what's going on?" She took them both by the hand and walked them out. "Who is that man?"

Her gaze flipped back to us, her luck at an all-time high.

"What is the meaning of this?" Carter's teeth clenched as he leaned in, his voice low and abrasive. "Who are you?"

"My name is Elias Hernández." I sat back in my seat and spread my knees, commanding the area around me. "Perhaps you've heard of me?"

The blood drained from his cherry-red cheeks as he leaned away, his breaths quickening the movement of his chest.

"What…I… I have done nothing wrong. I'm on vacation with my family."

"So youhaveheard of me?"

He let out a nervous scoff. "Everyone's heard of you. The prodigal son, more ruthless than his father could've ever been."

"Hehasheard of me, Javier." I tipped my head back with a sneer. "Although I'm far from the 'prodigal son,' I like to think I carved the name for myself."

He nodded. "I'm only relaying what I've heard."

I leaned in, my elbows braced on my knees. "Do you want to know what I've heard about you, Carter?"

"I'm just a computer salesman." His gaze surveyed our surroundings. "How did I get your attention?"

A wild smile formed as I flicked a crumb from the table to the floor. "Carter Patraeus, age fifty-five. Wife, Julia, thirty-two, gave birth to the two brats you were sitting with, Brandon and Cora." I inhaled and leaned back in my chair. "You know who I am, and I know who you are." He shook his head asthough to deny the public information. "Did you honestly think I wouldn't know every little detail about your life before sitting across from you?"

"No. No. Of course not." Carter’s knuckles bleached white as he strained against the armrests.

"I'd hope you wouldn't think I'd be so ill-prepared."

"Whatever I've done? I'll make it up to you."

I tipped my head to the side, sat back in my seat, and crossed my ankle over my knee. "Oh, I'm afraid there is nothing you can do to make up for this little transgression."

"Help me understand." He shook his head, a bead of sweat running down both sides of his forehead. "What have I done?"

"Why don't you stand up and come with me?"

"Come on. We can work this out." Carter stood, his Hawaiian shirt sticking to his sides.

I stood and buttoned my suit jacket, meeting him eye for eye, my jaw clenched and fire burning through my veins. "We're beyond that, I'm afraid."

His chair lurched backward and toppled to the ground, the metallic crash echoing through the air as he sprang onto his sandals and bolted through the patio towards the beach.

Tables shifted in his wake, the clatter of utensils and glasses spotlighting his evasion. Raised voices mingled with the ambient buzz as Javier and I stayed in place, tracking his frantic sprint through the rows of dining tables.

Couples and families, mid-bite, turned in surprise at the disruption, their dinners forgotten amidst the chaos.