"You knew."
His shoulders shook with laughter.
"So rude." I returned his smile, and the woman handed back my mango in a plastic bag. "Thank you."
Grabbing a plastic fork in a small basket she pointed to, I opened the bag, stabbed a wet yellow square, and popped it into my mouth.
A little sour but sweet.
I chewed and swallowed, then bit into another chunk and another as we walked down the market, taking in the warm reaction to his presence.
"People treat you like a celebrity. Just like I said."
"I guess I never noticed."
"Not sure how you could miss it."
I savored the last bite, my belly close to exploding.
"I'm not out here on leisure business, Grace. I'm always working and keeping everything in check. I am the one they turn to to keep this place free from crime. They accept my presence, and in return, I protect them."
"That seems ironic, really. You are the crime they need protecting from." I winced at my words. "I didn't—"
"You did, and it's okay. I value your honesty above all else."
Heat hit my cheeks, and I looked across the wide walkway to a stack of corn husks. "Not loyalty?"
"I've only asked for your honesty."
My stomach constrained with guilt as I lowered my gaze to the ground, our time at the market closing in as we neared the end.
"I'm sorry."
He placed his hand on my shoulder, stopping our footsteps.
Fifteen guards paused their approach, all dressed in clothes designed to help them blend into the scene around us.
Because why travel with guards when it would give away their position?
"I'm giving you time, Grace. And I'm hoping that you'll trust me enough to protect them and you one day."
"Why would you do that?"
He glanced around us, his palm pointed up to the sky. "I protect these people. Why wouldn't I do the same for you?"
I shrugged. "I haven't thought of it that much."
"If you'd give me the opportunity to prove it to you…" He touched my cheek and forced my gaze upward, meeting his. "You only have to give me a chance."
Javier stepped up to us, breaking the connection between us. He placed a hand on Elias' shoulder and whispered in his ear.
Elias nodded and grabbed my hand. "Let's go."
"Go? Again?"
He laced his fingers through mine, my brows pulling together as I stared at the connection.