Page 136 of Falling with Grace

Did I say something wrong?

Rosa placed her hand on my arm, patted it with a smile, then shuffled around me. "Wait here."

What the hell was that?

Did she know something I didn't?

My heart spasmed as I sat in my chair, crossed my legs, and smoothed over my dress.

Where were the guards?



The air around me thickened. Sweat lined the creases of my palms, my spine sat ramrod straight as I waited…and waited, my hands wringing in my lap.

Movement shifted in my periphery, and Elias turned around the corner with his mother at his side, his white button-up shirt sleeves rolled up to the elbow. I followed his buttons to his waist with a black belt and further down to his cream dress pants and black shoes.

Eacharticle of clothing took my breath away as it hugged the curved muscle on his thighs, chest, and biceps.

Rosa narrowed her eyes at me as she sat, my gawking vaporizing.

"I knew it would make your eyes shine." Elias stood beside his mother with his hand in his pocket, staring down at me.

Heat prickled along my neck, leading up to my cheeks as I tucked my chin into my chest. "Thank you." I swallowed and braved a glance at him. "Is everything okay?"

He scrunched his chin and tipped his head to the side. "Are you ready to go?"

"Already? I thought we had another hour?"

Rosa focused on her puzzle with a smile as though she hadn't said something to Elias.

"Change of plans."

What the hell happened here?

Rosa placed her puzzle piece down, spun it upside down, then slipped it into place. "Enjoy your time."

This woman gives me whiplash.

"Adios, Rosa."

Elias walked me out of the conservatory and through the front door, my heart rate tumbled into overdrive.

"What did your mother say to you?" We moved towards a sleek black Mercedes, which sat low to the ground.

His convoy at the ready behind him, four G-wagons, loaded with men, no doubt armed to the teeth.

"She's just concerned. No need to worry."

"I'm not worried."

I'm freaking out.

"Good." He gave me a warm smile.

I walked around the front of his car as he opened the passenger door for me and sunk inside, my dress sliding against the fine leather. "But is it dangerous to leave?"