Page 54 of Falling with Grace

"You're only inflicting this upon yourself." I pulled out my phone.

Bring me ointment.

"Just tell me what I need to know, and you can be on your way."

Her head bowed, hiding her green eyes beneath thick black lashes. "I'd never forgive myself."

My teeth clenched as I frowned. "Has he gotten so under your skin that you're willing to die for him?"

"I would never…" She shook her head, her gaze narrowing as she jerked her gaze my way. "I'd never die for him."

Javier walked in behind me, his shadow playing him as a bigger giant than he already was on the wall in front of me. He handed me the green decorative square tin, then walked out, leaving us to our conversation.

"Then why won't you tell me where he is?" I lifted her foot and placed it on my thigh, the unexplainable urge to mend her running through my veins. Pushing her shackle, I dug my fingers into the cloudy goop and smeared it on her wound.

"Why are you helping me?" She leaned forward, her eyes watching my fingers slide around her ankle.

"I'm not." I placed the lid back on the tin, then wiped my fingers on her shorts at her hip. "Now answer the question.

She held her palms up and tipped them in my direction. "Do you see these hands?"

I glanced down ather palms, her sling discarded in the corner, then flicked up to her face, cleaned of blood for the first time since I'd met her. A pang hit the center of my gut. I cleared my throat. "What about them?"

"They have blood on them, Elias." She sighed, her chin trembling as she stared down at her hands. "I won't add more to help you with your vendetta. Ican't."

I pulled a deep breath in through my nose and placed her foot back on the floor. "What if killing Andrés would wipe away your guilt?"

She drew her knees to her chest, her chain scraping against the interlocking flooring. "You know nothing of the guilt I bear if you think it could be so easily discarded."

I raised my chin. "Then you will die a miserable and lonely death." I ran my finger down her cheek, the stitches poking through her hairline, and picked up the ointment. "I hope you're prepared to die for whatever hill you're making a stand on." I rose from my haunches and walked out of the door, locking it in place, a sob reaching my ears.

Snarling, I walked inside, leaving Mamá in the garden, and dropped into the seat beside Javier.

A smirk played on his lips, crinkling the religious tattoos from his teenage years, etched after his first murder. Those tattoos, like my men who believed in silver shielding their misdeeds from God, served as a hopeful shield, aiming to protect his actions from reaching divine eyes. "How did that go?"

"She needs more security around her. I can't have her pulling this again." I sat back in my chair, my ankle crossed over my knee.

"Tú Mamá o Grace?"


He nodded. "I'll make sure of it."

"Maybe we shouldn't bring our business around here anymore." I paused, rubbing the stubble that had grown throughout the day.

It wasn't a good idea to bring work home, but what choice did I have?Sheneeded me. And she didn't have many years left. I wouldn't let work consume me as it had Papá.

Javier tapped his fingers on the table. "I'll set up a secure location close to here."

I tipped my head in thanks.

"What about Grace?" He sat back in his seat, a drink in hand. "Did she say anything this time?"

I shook my head. "She's scared. More scared ofhimthan of me."

"We can change that. Let the men go in with her. See how long she holds out then."

"That's nothappening." I dug my thumbnail into the pad of my pointer finger. "If she could survive Andrés…" I clenched my fist at my side. "We don't do things like that."