“No… because I have a brain,” I shrugged. “And I also watch a lot of movies.”
I kneeled on one side of the pile, then began shoving it towards the hole with my arms spread wide. I’d get even more dirty doing it this way, but at least we wouldn’t waste precious time with each slow shovel full.
The tall mountain of soft dirt and sand toppled over until half the pile remained on the surface. I continued again and again while Max spread it out with his shovel.
“Save room for a cactus,” I said as I gave the last bit a shove.
“I promised I’d bury him under a cactus.”
My clothes reeked of damp earth as they clung to my sweaty body. Next time, I’d do a Lye bath. This was too much. I’d rather wear a HAZMAT suit for twenty-four hours while holding my pee than do this again.
I stood as Max spread it out on top. So long, you arrogant asshole.
“You know what I don’t get?”
“What’s that?” Max said, wiping the sweat from his brow, then leaning on the end of the shovel with both hands overlapping.
“How he became a rising star in the FBI.” I walked around the surrounding area, finding the right cactus. “He was so off base with me, aside from my brother. I mean, he had a few things correct, but as far as my involvement with Allie, he was dead wrong.”
“Sometimes, you get lucky.” His eyes burned into my back as he watched me limp around.
“Yeah, but… I mean, he had all the evidence there. He just didn’t put it together. Like why would he think I wasn’t the victim when my DNA was found inside Josh’s trunk?”
“You know what I think?”
“I think he was so desperate for a win that he didn’t give a shit who he sent to prison so long as he thought he was doing good.”
He had a point. Owen got so hung up on this version of me he painted in his head that he didn’t care to see reason.
“Kandy must have been a good piece of ass for him to lose his mind like he did.”
I gave him a blank stare.
“You know, because he thought he’d actually accomplish something by kidnapping you and getting you to confess.”
“I knew where you were going with that, Max. My brain just malfunctioned.” I shuddered. “Ew.” I swiped my hands over my clothes as if bugs crawled over me. “Don’t think of her like that.” I scowled.
Max cleared a hole in the top of their grave while I dug up a small cactus, uprooting it from its home. This one would create bright red pears during the spring.
“Here lies Prickly Heart and his side piece. Enjoy Hell.”
I placed the cactus in the hole, then tamped down the surrounding soil, making it sit tight in its new home.
Max laughed as he tossed the shovels into the back and slammed the door shut. “I need a shower. Let’s go.”
“Hey, isn’t that my line?” I sunk into the passenger seat. “I never want to dig a hole again.” My aching muscles melted into the chair with warmth spreading throughout my body.
“It’s not easy work. That’s why we don’t normally do it this way. Besides the fact it leaves behind evidence.”
“So why did we bury them this time?”
“Because Luca wanted to teach us a lesson.”