The thought of having a baby warped my mind into thinking of possibilities where there were none. Did I want to torture myself and hold the child, knowing it would be the only time I would?
“Sure,” I said, swallowing.
My mother craned her neck to see the child as Max shifted her into my arms.
“What’s her name?” my mother asked.
“Her name is Eda,” Caterina said from behind us.
“She’s a doll.” My mother clenched her hands together in her lap. “I remember when my Charity was that little. She was the quietest baby.”
Max laughed. “What happened?”
I elbowed him with my free arm. “I had men who gave me lip.”
“La famiglia,” Luca announced. “Mangiamo.”
I leaned into Max. “What did he say?”
“He said, let’s eat.”
I stood and handed the little baby back to Caterina. “She’s beautiful. Thanks for letting us hold her.”
“Grazie. Of course. Thanks for giving me a moment of rest,” she said, laughing.
Nico rose and followed us inside as Max wrapped his arm around my waist, my parents following close by.
“I thought she was dating Luca?” My mother whispered behind us.
“I am,” I said over my shoulder. "Although it's more of a domestic partnership. Dating seems like an early on concept."
“Don't you think it's inappropriate for this man to touch you?”
Max chuckled. "I've done more than touch her."
I snorted as Nico slapped Max upside the head. "Stay out of it."
“I'm in love with all three.” I smiled, then laughed as my mother gasped.
Where were those pearls when you needed them?
“Charity,” my father said.
“Vito,” I broke away from her appalled expression, ignoring my father, and walked towards him. “Are you seeing anyone?”
“Coming from you, I know this won’t be good.”
I grinned wide and with excitement. “Hey, I’m not playing matchmaker, but… you know my cashier Justine?”
“Yeah,” he said cautiously.
“She wants to go out with you, so I am playing the middleman.”
Okay, it wasn’t entirely the truth. I did tell her I’d set her up, but she didn’t specifically mention Vito.
“Did she now?”