I pressed my back against the wall so I could listen in on this secret.
“Well, you better tell her, or she is going to wonder if it’s worth it. She is going to want to know where you stand in all of this,” Nico said.
“Keep your goddamn voice down. She knows.”
“That’s not the same thing. You’ve gotta tell her how you feel,” Max said in a hushed tone.
My jaw dropped to the floor, and I covered my mouth to keep a sound from slipping. This wasn’t a conversation I should hear, but I couldn’t help but be the devious child that sat next to Daddy’s office door and eavesdropped on phone calls.
“Have you two told her how you feel?” Luca asked.
“Not exactly—”
“Right, so I’ll tell her when I’m damn well good and ready, and you both can kiss my ass and stop giving me advice you don’t follow.”
I had to stop this before it went any further, and I heard even more. I didn’t want to listen to their feelings through a wall. I wanted them to tell me to my face and see it in their eyes.
God, what was I saying? I came in, in the middle of a conversation and took it as a positive. They could very well be talking about their feelings towards me negatively, or it may not even be about me.
I decided not to listen anymore. I was afraid of what I might hear. “What are we talking about?” I asked, rounding the corner.
Max randomly opened the fridge door and lingered. His tattooed arm stretched his gray t-shirt as he gripped the top of the fridge door. Nico adjusted his suit tie then flicked the paper up in his face—who the fuck still read the actual newspaper anymore? Luca crossed his arms and struck me with an ice glare that penetrated to my core.
“You owe me a new duvet,” Luca said.
“That’s an interesting conversation topic,” I said, giving him the side-eye. “I don’t owe you anything, by the way. I told you to let him go, and you didn’t heed my warning. Now, look at you, covered in Band-Aids like a kid that pulled the tail.” A smile tipped my lips as I made fun of the bandage on his hand.
“How’s the newspaper, Nico? Did you read your horoscope for today?” I took a seat on the barstool. “Did you find what you were looking for, Max?”
Max cleared his throat and closed the door while Nico placed his paper down to look at me. Luca leaned against the counter, not looking bothered in the slightest.
“There are your faces. Nice you see you this afternoon.” I smirked.
Nico knit his brows together with a concern I wasn’t expecting to see. Max’s face closely resembled Nico’s but with less of the obvious factored in.
“Why the long faces, guys?”
If I didn’t hear the conversation beforehand, I would think there was something seriously wrong right now. It irritated me that they sat quietly, waiting for someone to speak first.
“We are just nervous about tonight, that’s all,” Nico spoke up.
Finally, we were getting somewhere.
“It’ll be okay. They don’t allow anyone to have weapons inside, so if anything happens, I’ll be using an oyster fork to stab someone’s heart out. No biggie.” I made the motion of stabbing someone like in a horror film.
“It is a big deal. You have a massive target on your back, and someone is bound and determined to put you in the grave. You are walking into a party with a bunch of criminals worse than you, with no weapon,” Max said.
“I just said oyster fork…” No one laughed at my joke. Jeez, tough crowd. I took a deep breath and let it out, giving me enough time to understand that their words were coming from a good place. “I’ll have Luca with me. It’ll be okay. I have to go to this, you guys. I’m all that little girl has, and it’s my fault she isn’t home by now. This is on me and if I die in the process, then so be it. So long as I have done what I needed to do to protect her and my brother.”
I folded my arms on the counter before me, awaiting their reply.
“This is the type of attitude that has us worried. You don’t give a fuck what your actions bring down on people… on us,” Max seethed.
I reared back and scrunched my face. “What are you talking about? Of course, I fucking care. I wouldn’t be doing this at all if I didn’t care.”
“No, we all know you have a good heart. I mean, not care about living or dying. You act as if it’s okay for death to come knocking with no thought for the people surrounding you that would be devastated if you died.”