I relished these moments. The ones that took me from the world and placed me in a new fantasy realm where I was a queen, and all his focus was on me. Gone were the death, destruction, and chaos. They replaced them with affection, love, and happiness. I could use all three things right now, and he delivered and then some.
Chapter 27
She looked so tranquil, resting with her arm draped over her head with her hair fanned out around her. It was the most peace I’d seen her have in the last week so far, and I didn’t want it to disturb her.
I rolled out of her bed and relieved myself. When I stepped out of the restroom, she was staring at the ceiling with a smile so slight you questioned if you even saw it. Today was her brother’s funeral, and I cursed myself for not being able to stand by her side and support her during the ordeal. We could be the faces in the crowd with no association to her, but only to Josh. It was a thought that crossed our minds, but we knew it would only bring more questions. I know Luca, and I would feel better having our sights on her at all times.
“What are you smiling for?” I asked, finally having enough courage to break the silent thoughts she was having.
Her gaze fluttered down from the ceiling to meet mine in the doorway. “I was thinking about you,” she said softly.
“Is that right?” I smirked and joined her back on the bed.
My God, she was beautiful. Her plump pink lips enticed any man to touch them, but they’d be cursed to the fiery depths of hell the moment they kissed her. We’d destroy any man that touched what was ours, and she’d do the same without a doubt.
“What about me had a smile on those perfect lips?”
Her cheeks reddened from my compliment as she turned to her side and propped her head in her palm. “That thing you did with your tongue.” She bit her lip and rolled her eyes to the back of her head, and moaned.
She was teasing me—the little minx. It was good to see her looking like herself, even though it wouldn’t last long. I’d soak in this moment for as long as I could. Being the greedy man I am, I’d keep it for myself.
“Is this you begging for an encore?”
I nuzzled her neck and nipped at her collarbone until she flopped to her back and groaned. I’d be more than happy to keep her on her back all day and help her forget about the impending sorrow that would hound her. If it was something I could get away with, I would.
She pressed on my shoulders with a short laugh and pushed me back. “Raincheck, big guy.”
And there it was. Her smile faltered like a smoking jet engine ready to crash to the earth, and it broke every piece of me apart. Her happiness was short-lived, but I cherished what little we shared.
“Another time,bella.” I placed a kiss on her lips before hopping from the bed and dressing.
She sat in bed and leaned against the headboard while keeping her body covered with the sheet, making me want to rip it from her body and show her she didn’t need to hide.
“I’m sorry, I’m enslaved to my thoughts right now.” She bit her knuckle and looked away from me, hiding the grief tumbling over her face.
“No need to apologize,bella. We’ll get you through this. It’s going to take time, but we’ll be there for you,” I said, finding a seat on the edge of the bed beside her.
She smiled, caressed my jaw to mollify me, then nodded. I just hoped she believed me—believed us when we said we were supporting her, and she wasn’t in this alone, even though her parents turned their back on her over something so damn trivial.
“Come out when you’re ready. I’ll have Luca make breakfast.”
Luca was the cook of the family, and we abused that fact at every turn. It was as if we had our own personal chef with us. How could we not use his talent to our full advantage? I kissed the top of her head and left her in what little peace her mind would afford her, then met Luca in the dining room where he was reading the paper.
“You know, old man, they have the newspaper on your phone now, right?”
He tipped the corner of the paper and glared at me while he sat in his polished suit. He must have left during the night and returned this morning.
“Well aware. I like the feel of the paper in my hands.”
“Whatever. She wants you to make breakfast,” I said before popping a grape in my mouth.
“You mean you want me to make breakfast for you, and she gets the benefit as well.”
I shrugged and swallowed the mush in my mouth. “Call it what you want.”