Page 12 of Protecting Charity

“Oh.” He took the lead to my room and pulled me to the floor where Cannoli lay curled up under the bed, all the way up against the wall, sound asleep.

The ache in my chest dissipated at the sight of his peaceful slumber, causing my eyes to prickle with tears.Ugh, I’m such a sucker. “How did you know he was here?”

“I saw him when I was looking for my sock. It’s why I told you to come out of the bathroom.”

I stood and hugged him tightly. “Thanks.”

“See? You need help.”

“Nope, I would have found him, eventually.”

His unrealistic demand for me to vacate my house wasn’t happening. I was perfectly capable of taking care of myself, and my track record proved it. “How about those tacos?” Anything to distract him from where he thought this conversation would end up.

“Okay, but this isn’t over.”

That’s what you think, big guy. I wouldn’t be having this conversation again. “I’m hungry. Let’s go.” I placed a quick peck on his lips, but before I could pull away, he held me fast and ravished my mouth, weakening my knees. My body’s needy reaction left me heaving and grasping at him for more. Before I could bring our interaction any further, he released me and then stepped back with his keys in hand. I was so screwed if I thought I could ever resist him. I squeezed my thighs together then shuffled towards the door like a bungling buffoon.

“What are we going to do about this person who came into your house?” he asked, stalling me from pressing on to the wonderful world of tacos.

“I’ll figure something out.”

“I’ll meet you,” he said, leaning over me as I got situated in my car.

He was mad, I could tell. There was no way I was going to allow anyone to chase me out. Especially when I had a feeling it was Josh. I don’t know what he was going through, but he was clearly lost, and I made it my duty to find him. If anyone needed protection, it was Josh.

“Why are you mad?” I asked, placing one hand on the steering wheel to brace myself.

“I’m not mad.”

He’s mad.

“Is that right?”

“I’m good. Meet you there.”

“Not mad at all,” I muttered under my breath, then let out an exhausted breath. And I thought I had mood swings.

He shut the door and stormed off to his car. All because I refused to accept protection? Such bullshit, I have rules, and I follow orders, but this was one I would refuse to listen to. I stepped out, ready to rip him up and down for giving me attitude, but found him backing out of the driveway at break-neck speed.

Where the fuck were we going for tacos? I sat back down and thumped my head against my headrest when my phone rang, cutting short my mild tantrum.

“Hi, Nico.”

“Hey, can you come to my office downtown? I have someone I’d like you to meet.” I sighed, and my belly rumbled back at me. I was running off one bite of a delicious BLT, which I felt murderous about for not being able to finish. “Look, this is for you. I need you here.”

“It’s not that. I was just driving to get food with Max, but I’ll be there.”

This was the perfect excuse to not have to deal with Max and his grumpy self. Strange as it may seem, it was easier when Luca was mad at me; at least, then, I knew how to handle his rage. But Max being mad at me pulled me through a bog of messy feelings I didn’t understand. How did I go about mitigating his irritation?

“Okay. Get food after; this is important. Remember where it’s at? Fifteenth floor.”

“Right. Fifteenth floor.” I blanched at the thought of having to climb so many levels without sustenance. At least, I had my sneakers on. “Fine. See you soon.” Hanging up, I roared out my frustrations then sent Max a text telling him I was going to Nico’s instead. I held my breath and hoped to God it didn’t add fuel to his unnecessary fire.

I pulled into an underground parking lot downtown, found a space closest to the stairs, and then got out.

“Fifteen floors. It’s okay… I can do this.” I exhaled. “Fifteen floors? Fuck.”

By the time I got to the fourth floor, my scar hurt, and my thighs were on fire. I put my hand on my side to ease the discomfort and managed to take the next few steps to level five. My phone shrilled in the stairwell, echoing up and down for everyone to hear.