Haden smiled brightly as I stepped out of the shadows and stared at Cassius. I opened and closed my mouth like a fish out of water. My eyes drifted to his forearm, where he should have a marriage bond from me. Heat started in my chest and filled my cheeks.

“Blushing?” He smiled brightly. “Want to share your thoughts?”

My mouth snapped shut, and I hurried past him. When I got to the safety of our room, I let out a long breath. I needed sleep, then I would know what to do with all the information I found out.

Chapter 30

My eyes drifted around mine and Cassius’ room. I had been rotting in bed all day. How did I mention to him that I knew he was my husband?

A burst of curiosity overcame me. Standing up, I surveyed the room and started digging through things. I found some old love notes in Cassius’ drawer and mine, but I needed more proof that we were actually something.

Getting down on all fours, I glanced under the bed and smiled triumphantly at the box as I dragged it out. Opening it, I stared at the portraits of him and I. All of them showed us smiling together. My eyes traced over myself in all of them. I looked... happy. And in everyone, Cassius was looking at me like I hung the stars and the moon.

I kept going through them, each one making me smile more than the last. When I saw the last one, I stared at it for a long time. Cassius was wearing traditional Crimson robes, his crown on top of his head. A red crown tattooed his skin—my marriagebond to him. Then my eyes drifted to the beautiful crimson red dress I wore; a red crown adorned my head, and a crown bond was visible on my wrist.

This was our wedding.

My heart pounded wildly in my chest. We looked so fucking happy. My chest was tight with a feeling I didn’t understand. I stood to go find him. Why didn’t he tell me we were married? He continued not to tell me anything. The thought upset me. My steps slowed as I realized it was my fault. I hadn’t let him explain anything to me because I was a coward. With a new sense of determination, I headed toward the training fields. Cassius was back to working the men all day long.

Della’s words circled in my mind.



Is this what my mother saw when she glimpsed my future? Is this why she sought out Cassius all those years ago?

Even with the sun shining so brightly that I could hardly see, I knew which man was Cassius immediately. I approached the field, realizing that I hadn’t really thought through what I was going to say. Courage bloomed in my chest. I would not back down from this. Maybe learning the truth would set me free to not feel so bad about still wanting Cassius.

My feet slowed when I saw him, shirtless, fighting Haden in hand-to-hand combat. My body flooded with lust at the sight of him. The men in the field recognized my presence immediately and bowed.

Cassius’ words from a few days prior hit me.They will listen to you. You’re royalty.Cassius and Haden stopped when I spoke.

“For the love of gods, stop bowing at me.”

Cassius turned to me, his eyes bright with happiness—just like our wedding portrait. My confidence wavered slightly. I could handle this. I could do this.

“Show me your communication bond,” I called out to him with a small waver in my voice.

His dark brows knitted together, but he listened to me. Dark shadows swirled around his arm, and a red crown appeared. Something about seeing the mark made my chest tight with longing. He was mine. Thoughts of claiming him as mine plagued me.

A memory flashed before my eyes.Cassius kissed me on our wedding day. As he pulled away, he smiled and whispered, “My wife.”

I shook the thought away.

“My love, is something wrong?”

Was something wrong? My eyes glanced at all the men watching me and Cassius. My chest tightened with worry at their peering glances. I stood taller and lifted my chin. The move had Cassius smirking slightly.

“Thea Valeska.” I narrowed my eyes at him, and his face paled. “That is what the Goddess of Life called me last night when she visited. Thea Valeska, your wife!”

The guards all shifted their eyes to Cassius. My eyes caught on Leer, who was in formation. The news seemed shocking to only him. The other guards, though, didn’t bat an eye.


“Don’t,” I sighed. “Communication bond…you mean marriage bonds.” I held up the portrait of us at our wedding.

Sadness floored me at the sight of Cassius. He looked so heartbroken as he looked over the portrait. He glanced away from me before swallowing hard.