“Where have you been?”

She shrugged her shoulders as her smile widened.

“Around.” Her evasive answer did nothing to clear up my confusion. Her pretty star-colored eyes shifted to my left, and I turned to see dozens of wisps near me.

“You can see them too?” I asked, confused.

“Of course. I gifted them to you.” Her voice was gentle, but I could feel her power pulsing from her. My head snapped to her.

“Wisp was a gift?” I spoke slowly, trying to understand her.

“Yes.” She tilted her head to the side as if she were trying to understand something about me. Her star-colored eyes drifted over me before shifting her attention to Wisp.

“Am I dead? Did I die in my sleep or something? Maybe this is a dream.”

“No, neither of those are true.” She stepped toward me. “I came because you keep calling to me in your mind. You are troubled.”

“Of course I’m troubled. You damned gods cursed my soul, and now I’m living half a shitty life because of it!” She didn’t shrink away from my anger or hurt. Instead, Della nodded in agreement, like it was true. “This isn’t fair. Why must I be punished? Why must I be the one to suffer? And why would theGoddess of Life come running to me if I called to her? What makes me so damn significant to you and the other gods? Don’t you all have better things to do with your time?”

This time her pretty face fell, and she frowned deeply.

“I came because I must. After Cassius killed you, he begged for you back. He even offered his own soul for yours. I had never seen a man so utterly...broken. My brother did not care about his pain and suffering, but I did. And his dismissal of your situation was my fault. I felt somehow responsible. So, I offered something that I had only ever offered once before: part of my soul. I come when you call because you are a part of me, Thea Valeska. Instead of taking your soul as I should have, I gave you part of mine so you could keep living.”

My mind was reeling at the information.

“It was all part of the deal, though. I would not take your soul, but to keep the balance after what I had done and break the curse that was incurred, Cassius had to prove that youtrulyloved him, that you would choose him without remembering who he was, and that you would choose him again—even after learning what he did to you. My brother is a sick and cruel god. He made it so that not only are your memories wiped away every time you die, he also ensured that each time you come back, you do not get as many of them back.”

Her anger was not directed toward me, but it was palpable. I could also feel her sadness like it was my own.

“Your magic is something incredible. Part of it, you were born with—a power none of us could ever fathom—but the other part of your power is from me. You used it to save Leer’s wife. You used it to save the sick King Sybrien. You use it to save others from death. It was not Sybil’s healing magic that saved them, as you thought. That magic is not strong enough to do what you did. It was my power of life that you used.”

I gave them life back because I had part of a goddess’ soul inside of me. My mind was trying to process everything Della was saying, but it was too much. I couldn’t even form a question to ask.

Her eyes shifted to Wisp, then shifted to the rest of them.

“They’re your guardians,” Della confessed.

My eyes followed hers to look at the wisps all changing to vibrant blues, which told me they were happy to protect me, a fact that made me smile. The wisp that always followed me turned dark green when I looked over her.

“These souls chose to stay here and offer you protection instead of moving on to the next life. They want to see you break the curse and regain your memories.”

“Why would they do that?” I asked.

“The wisps are souls of elite magic fae that have died.”

I froze at her declaration.

“Who are they?” I asked.

“I won’t tell you. That is not my secret to share,” she frowned. The faint glow from my skin made me lift my arms up to see the tattooed swirls glowing brightly on my skin.

“The wisp you formed the closest bond with isyoursoul.”

My eyes shifted to Wisp,mywisp. The one that was always lurking and helping me. The one who seemed to like Cassius more than myself. As I watched her green flames, I could see myself within the glow. My wispy form smiled at me. Cassius’ words crashed around me.Of course I see her. She is attached to my soul.My soul was following its other half, Cassius.

Emotions clogged my throat as I tried to breathe. A sense of sadness washed over me, but also a sense of love.

“Why would they stay behind for me? Why not go into the next life?” I asked.