It appears Thea has not made it long enough to be a threat this year in the trials. It will make you happy to know that Cassius is a mess if you want to declare war in his disheveled state.
What a prick. I ripped open another letter.
King Luren,
Thea is doing exceptionally well in the trials this year. However, she is injured, and I’ve made sure the next trial will be impossible for her to get through. I do expect her demisesoon, so get your witches ready to attack Exile before next year’s trials. If we weaken her before the trials, then maybe we can find a way to stop this madness once and for all.
Lavtan’s betrayal has been going on for years. I opened another letter, craving the information.
King Luren,
I do not write this with good news. Thea has done better than ever in the trials this year, even with the attacks on Exile. Expect that she will be coming for the bloodstone. I hope you have a plan to get her to choose Cerithia. Cassius has weaseled himself into her heart again. It’s obvious that she is infatuated with him. She will choose Crimson, so do something!
Wisp turned black, as I assumed she was reading over my shoulder. Lavtan and my father had made sure I failed every year. Pain shot through me as I slammed my fist down on the desk.
King Luren,
Crimson is in good standing with every kingdom besides Cerithia and Kizar. Jesper would be an easy alliance to form, and he’s young enough to manipulate. The only way you will gain control over all of Elloryon is with Thea. The prophet has made sure everyone knows she is dangerous, but without her, you do not stand a chance. Elloryon would do better with one king, and that king should be ruthless like you. If you want to take over, then you better start by forming an alliance with Jesper. His father, King Halon, is very ill and should be dead within the next few years.
Lavtan had been using my father like a puppet to start wars. My father, of course, was either too stupid to see it or he knew and was using Lavtan to his advantage. Lavtan wanted to destroy Elloryon, all because he’s a selfish prick. I glanced at Wisp as I struggled with what to do. Sighing, I took the letters I read and slipped them into the waistband of my trousers. Wisp turned a bright red, and I didn’t know what that meant.
“I have to take these,” I whispered as I started to put things back. “Lavtan, Jesper, and Luren want to destroy Elloryon, and I won’t let them. I won’t be a part of this.”
Her color turned dark green, letting me know she was happy. I froze when I saw a letter with my writing on the front, addressed to King Luren. I grabbed it and shoved it in my trousers too. I took my time putting his drawers back perfectly. My heart was heavy with disgust. How could this man be my father? I glanced around the throne room as anger gripped me. Lavtan and my father had made sure I failed the trials. They knew I’d pick Cassius over them, but that only made me more confused.
Knowing that Cassius killed me and cursed me, why did they think I would still choose him? What did they know that I didn’t? Uneasiness settled over me as I hurried down to my room. Wisp floated in the corner.
My heart ached, and my chest tingled with anxiety as I asked her a question that would surely hurt my feelings.
“Do you think Cassius actually loved me?” I whispered. Wisp froze at my question.
She flashed orange. Relief coursed through me.
Sighing, I slipped the letters from my trousers. I grabbed the one in my writing and opened it.
I have written you countless letters about my time in the war and have not received a word back. I can only assumeyou do not care about my well-being or the fact that I’m the best captain Cerithia has ever had leading them. Which is disappointing to know that nothing I do will make you care. So, this will be my last letter. If I’m killed in battle, please put my body to rest in the forest next to water so I may find peace for once in this gods-forsaken life. And if this is to be my last correspondence, I hope you feel the guilt of my death for the rest of your days.
Captain Thea Alzara,
The daughter you gave up on.
My lips tilted into a smile at my signature. I knew this must have angered my father because he had kept it over the years. Then my heart realized all the sadness I had written into this letter, and I was sure it never got a response anyway.
The contents of the letters weighed heavily on me. Something about them just didn’t sit right. My father and Jesper wanted to take all the other kingdoms down. Even though I knew they had troubles with Crimson, why would they destroy Akecia and Falgon? Simply for land was a selfish thing, and I could not allow them to kill thousands of innocent fae for their greed. At this point, I didn’t know if the prophet foresaw me crumbling all five kingdoms or if I would only crumble one.
Maybe the meaning was behind the letters. If I didn’t say anything, then my father would expect me to destroy all the other kingdoms and kill their kings. I have no issues with any other kingdoms, and I wouldn’t be doing that.
“I’m giving these letters to Cassius or someone from Crimson at the meeting. I can’t let my father do this. This would be a lot easier if you could just tell me what the hell I am not understanding about all this shit.”