“Please, stay,” he begged me with everything he had.

Before I could say anything in return, though, it all went silent and black.


My eyes flickered through the darkness that now surrounded me as I was met with myself in my wisp form, her color still a bright white. Then, there were dozens of them surrounding me, and I finally understood why the wisps were always lurking; it was like my own army of the dead, here to protect me.

“You love him so much.” Della frowned next to me. “I’m sorry, I couldn’t just let you stay. I’ve tried to stop the rules my brother put in place, but I can’t.”

“He’s going to be so alone,” I cried. “What if I remember nothing about him next time, no memories?”

“I always get some memories through... I’ll make sure to send you some without my brother knowing.”

“Haden.” I glanced at her. “He’s the other death-marked soul. He could see you.”

It was her turn to blink away tears.


Della. My mind flashed to the trials when the sirens had been in front of us, showing us our biggest desire. Haden had said her name. That was why it sounded familiar.

“He will always be my biggest regret. He will hate me as long as I exist, and it is the worst form of torture.”

Tears filled her pretty eyes as she looked over at me. I went to ask her what she meant, but my wisp form reached out and touched me.

The touch ignited a cascade of falling stars to take over my vision. It was so beautiful. Then I saw flashes of mine and Cassius’ time in this last failed attempt to free myself. Grief struck me before everything faded to nothing.


I jolted up in bed, waking from a terrible dream I couldn’t remember. Fogginess swarmed my mind as I stood up and headed to the kitchen. When I stepped from my room, Sybil’s bedroom door opened violently. Her blue eyes were frantic until they met mine. Her confused face fell when she looked at me.

“Good morning, Sybil.” I smiled.

Then Sybil burst into tears. I went to comfort her, but our front door burst open, making me stop. The force of it shaking our small home. The twins stared at me like they were seeing a ghost. My eyes shifted to Sybil when she muttered something about being trapped in Exile again.

Chapter 37


“Son.” My father’s voice was laced with concern. It had been since Thea died nearly a year ago. It physically hurt to breathe when she wasn’t here. How did they expect me to answer them?

“Do you want me to bring you food?” my mother tried.

I just shook my head and pulled the covers up over my head. They didn’t leave. They hadn’t left me alone for longer than a few hours. I think I’ve left mine and Thea’s room less than five times in the past year. This has been the worst time of my life.

Flashes of Thea’s beautiful face plagued me. I squeezed my eyes tightly, trying to hold in the pain. I knew I would be seeing her again soon, but the pain at this moment was all-consuming.My body craved her touch, her laugh, her smile, and there was nothing I could do about it. I felt so tired all the time, which seemed ridiculous because I didn’t do anything but sleep. Every time I opened my eyes, I saw memories of Thea. She haunted me, no matter where I was. It was too much to bear. I just wanted my wife back.

I heard my parents get up and leave, murmuring something about checking on me later. They hated seeing me like this, but nothing made me want to do anything. Unless Thea magically appeared in my room, I planned to stay in bed until she left Exile for the trials.

Someone shuffled into my room, but I didn’t bother seeing who it was. A moment later, they lay in bed beside me, and my heart pumped with anticipation. No one ever came and lay in bed with me. Thea?

I ripped the blanket off my head and groaned when I saw Haden smiling. He shoved food into his mouth as he sat up against the headboard. I threw the blankets back over my head. Haden was a pain in my ass. He lingered more than anyone else. I rubbed my marriage bond on my arm for comfort. I didn’t feel Thea through it often, and when I did, she was always confused and sad.

“Cassius, talk to me.” Haden pleaded, but I didn’t respond. The blanket was yanked off my head, and I glared at Haden, ready to punch my friend in the face.

“What the fuck?” I hissed.

“Do you think Thea wants you moping around? Get your ass up,” he demanded like he was the Prince of Crimson.