“Faster,” someone screams.

That must motivate her, because she yanks my zipper down and rips my jeans down the top of my muscular thighs. I place my hand on her head and push it against the thin fabric of my white briefs.

After rolling my hips a few times, I pull away from her and smear a huge amount of whipped cream down the length of my hard cock. “You ready to get dirty?”

She nods her head as I rub my finger over the fullness of her lips, getting a feel for what’s going to be wrapped around my cock. “Lick it off. All of it, from the dirtiest place first.”

Running her tongue over her lips, she grabs my waist and leans in to press her tongue against my pelvis, rolling it in the trail of whipped cream. Her eyes watch mine as she slowly lowers her mouth, running her tongue down my defined abs and over my cock.

I wrap my hands in her hair and close my eyes as I slowly rock my hips into her face. I feel her teeth softly nibble my piercings and I yank her head back before stroking my hand over my cock and stepping away from her.

Ignoring the screaming women, I make my way over to the couch, and grab for the chick in a small black dress and heels that is standing up waving money at me.

Gripping her ass, I wrap her legs around my waist and start grinding my hips to the music. I move, slow and deep as if fucking her. She arches her back and wraps her hands in her own hair before sticking a wad of cash in the front of my briefs and moaning out.

I pull her back up and thrust into her one more time before setting her back down to her feet.

Just as I’m about to head over to the next table, I catch a glimpse of a woman with platinum blonde hair and tattoos. I stop dead in my tracks, my heart racing as I watch her, until she turns around to face me.

As soon as I realize it’s not Onyx, my heart rate slows down and I let out a breath of frustration. A part of me wishes it were her.


I run my hands through my hair and just stand there. The screaming doesn’t die down as they wait for me to continue my rounds.

A part of me doesn’t want to. I knew this shit would happen. I told myself I wouldn’t let myself think about her anymore. Yeah, well great fucking job.

“Hemy. Dude!”

I snap out of it enough to see Stone approaching. He grips my shoulder and pushes my chest. “What the hell is up, man? You’re just standing here. You’ve been acting funny since last night.”

I push his hand away and grind my jaw. “Nothing. I just needed a second.” I pause and exhale, hating myself for what I’m about to do. “I have to go.”

“What the hell? What do you mean?”

I grab for my jeans and start heading for the door. “I have somewhere I have to go. It’s important. I need you to take over my room.”

Stone gives me a confused look, but doesn’t question me further. “Sure. Yeah. Go then.”

I walk through the bar, past Sara who gives me a confused look, and outside over to my truck. I quickly hop inside and shove my keys into the ignition while tossing my jeans into the passenger seat. As stupid as I know I’m being, I know it’s smarter than just letting her walk away again. I refuse to let her disappear from my life now that I’ve found her. There’s always been something about her that draws me in, holding me to her. It’s a curse as much as a craving.

I start the engine and pull out onto the dark street. Without a second thought, I head toward the house I saw her at last night. I don’t give a shit what anyone thinks. I’m going to find out where she’s at and I’m going to make her mine. Her and I both know that we are meant to be together. The hard part is making her see that, making her see the new me.

After about ten minutes, I find myself pulling up in front of the small white house. I kill the engine, grab for my jeans, and hop out to put them on.

Just as I’m buttoning them, the front door opens and two girls walk out. I notice one of them right away: Jade.

She gives me a curious look before smiling and walking over to me.

“Look who’s back,” she says teasingly. “You come back for your tie?”

I lean against my truck and look over her shoulder at the door. “It’s not what I forgot, it’s who,” I say firmly. “Where can I find Onyx?”

Jade quickly turns away and starts heading for the little black car that is sitting in the driveway. “I don’t know,” she calls over her shoulder. “I’ll let her know you’re looking for her.”

I quickly catch up to her and grab her arm. “Tell me.” I walk over to stand in front of her. I look into her eyes so she knows how important this is to me. “I need to know where she is. Can you just tell me where to find her?”

She lets out a breath of frustration before looking over at the other girl who nods at her. She turns back to me and rolls her eyes. “Follow us. She’s at work and we’re heading there now. I’m going to get in deep shit for this,” she mumbles.

“Thank you, Jade.” I don’t waste any time jogging over to my truck and jumping inside. I’ve waited too damn long for this shit and she’s going to listen to what I have to say.

I follow the little black car for what seems like forever. In reality it was probably a whole fifteen minutes. Still, fifteen minutes too long, and now I’m anxious as shit.

When we pull up in front of the huge black building, I sit there wondering if this is some kind of joke. There’s no way that the Onyx I knew would work at a place like this.

I sit here for a few minutes until I see Jade and the other girl get out of the car. Jade looks over at me and waves her arm for me to follow. “You coming or what?”

I take a deep breath to calm myself before getting out of my truck and slamming the door behind me. Every part of me wants to scream and break something. The idea of her working here makes me sick to my stomach. “Vixens Club,” I growl to myself while staring up at the neon sign.

She’s a damn Vixen?  A stripper . . . like me. Well fuck me.

Chapter Five


“Okay, girls, just remember to have fun. This is free night. You are welcome to roam as you wish. Just remember the rule: no touching unless you put their hands there. You know what to do if someone breaks the rule. I’m sure there’s no need for me to go over it again.”

I get a few head nods from the girls and a hell yeah from Ash.

I stand up from straddling my chair and walk in front of it, facing my group of girls. The first shift of the night is almost done, and I made sure that all of my girls work together all night. I always stress their safety on free nights. I don’t like the idea of not being able to keep my eye on them individually. There are quite a few creeps that come in here and I would hate to have to break a heel off in a few of their asses. That’s why I have “the talk” with my girls once a week.