I took a deep breath. My third eye sprang open. Lux, kneeling at my side, glowed white. A blinding ball of silver light rotated above his heart. While Og blazed green, a similar rotating ball of brown and green in the same place. I should be seeing more than just rotating balls, but it was magic. I looked beyond them, and the walls faded away, showing me defined tubes of power miles away. My magic sight was back but still limited.
The cum on my chin tickled. I mumbled the words to a cleaning spell, but nothing happened. I managed to lift my heavy right arm and wipe my face on the back of my hand.
“My third eye opens more, but my magic’s still gone.” If I’d been sitting up, I would have flopped back onto the bed. But as I was already lying down, I just let out a frustrated grunt. A wave of exhaustion hit me almost as hard as my orgasm. Although my body hadn’t done much today, I’d gone through a mental marathon.
A grin tugged at my lips. I’d reached the finish line nicely, though.
Nicely? Really, Jay. We need to work on your adjectives.
“Jay?” Og cupped my cheek before I could answer myself. “I didn’t understand your spell, but I swear you used draconic words in it. Who are you?”
I smiled before my mind peaced out, and I knew no more.
Ileaned against the smooth white wall of Leberecht’s castle. A landing strip of well-manicured grass waited for the next elemental clan to arrive. Tukaqu, flanked by my family, stood directly in front of a set of heavy double doors, arguing with a middle-aged woman about logistics.
For the hundredth time, I read through my group chat from a day ago.
Ogden:Jay went through some trauma. She is fine now. Prince Lux (air) saved her and called me. She’s resting peacefully.
Ogden:Prince Lux is her fourth.
Ogden:She can talk, but her magic still isn’t back.
Tyson:Feck, Og, have you figured out a way to get around my family yet?
Rehan:I’ll be right there.
Lux:You can’t come! The EM is in less than a day. We’re tightening patrols after two border breaches. No one in or out without my dad’s permission.
Tyson:Who invited you to the chat?
Ogden:I did.
Ogden:Jay’s been asleep for twelve hours now.
Ogden:Between her fourth mark and the drugs Doctor Raba dosed her with, she will keep sleeping.
Tyson:Doctor Raba did feck all. Air threw him off the side of their temple, unprovoked. The priestesses must have done something to Wiggles.
Lux:Um…I have first-hand knowledge that nothing like that happened.
Tyson:I’m going to kill that Abby one. She was all over Wiggles. My mate doesn’t swing that way.
Tyson:AND Doctor Raba’s been on the island for 30 years. He wouldn’t hurt anyone.
Lux:I also didn’t think he would hurt anyone. But if he’s not outright lying about what happened, he’s at least stretching the truth. I saw a rose gold dragon take him and Jay from the temple. I guess, technically, an air dragon did make him fall.
Lux:That prickly Sister Abby.
Tyson:Rose gold? Female?