Lux grunted. “I didn’t peg you as bloodthirsty.”
Og stopped rubbing me to study Lux, weighing the air prince's words. Before he could overthink them, I shook my body as much as I could to draw their attention and made a weird, airy, mewling sound.
“Does our touch help?” Lux asked.
I blinked once and nodded as much as I could.
The two stopped focusing on each other and instead put their hands back on me. Heat and more pins and needles made me feel more and more alive. Og nudged open the silk robe coveringme and brushed Lux’s mate mark with his fingers. A shiver ran from my hip to my apex.
Og met my excited gaze. “That’s all the elements. Do you feel different?”
I blinked twice for no, and Og raised an eyebrow.
“Maybe the curse needs more than just the mark.” He licked his lips and ran his hands up my arms and across my chest, exposing the top of my breast.
I blinked once.Very much so, yes.
Og’s voice lowered to a husky purr. “Maybe we should test out where sensation is returning to, hmm?”
Heat flooded my insides. If I could have wiggled, I would have.
God damn Tyson for pointing that out.
Lux cleared his throat, a blush dusting his pale cheeks. “Both of us?”
Og nodded and brushed my shoulder with his fingertips. “This isn’t about us. It’s about her.” He sighed. “I shouldn’t have said anything to you about my, ah, well, you know. I don’t want this to be weird. I’ll keep it platonic.”
Lux frowned. “Well, it’s weird now, but maybe not bad. I’ve just, well.” He waved his stump. “I’ve got a lot of other stuff going on. Exploring my preferences isn’t something I’ve done.”
“Have you…” Og wrinkled his nose.
Lux finished his beer. “Yeah, I’m still the first-born prince of air, and it’s impossible to stay completely hidden. A few girls were curious about my stumps. But yea, just, never thought about, well, anything with another guy.”
I wiggled, trying to get their attention, but Og kept his focus on Lux.
“Well, what about just pleasing our mate together?” Og’s gaze glowed.
Lux looked down at me, biting his lower lip. The expression looked sexy as hell on his face. “I’ve denied myself for over a year. Between Jay and the EM, I’m not sure triggering a rut is what we need right now.”
“If it triggers, just kiss her again.” Og barked out a laugh, and Lux grimaced. The earth warlock ran his hand down the silk of my robe and massaged one of my nipples until it peaked for him. “Her first sensation from this nightmare could be an orgasm.” He didn’t break his eye contact with Lux. “Several if we do it right.”
Yes, oh fuck yes. This is what we need.
“But we can’t touch her clit.” Lux pointed out.
Og grinned. “Not with our hands.” He chewed on his lower lip. “You can make solid balls of air, yes?”
Lux nodded.
“Right, well, I have a spell that will make the air tangible to both of us,” Og said vaguely. “I mean, I would just make something out of earth, but there isn’t much around, and it tends to be a bit unsanitary.”
He looked at Lux’s metal hand. “Can you touch her with your metal hand?”
Lux wrinkled his nose. “My prosthetics have moving joints that catch loose clothing and hair. I’ve pinched myself more than once. I don’t want it anywhere near sensitive bits.” He cracked his back before letting out a breath. “I guess we’re making a dildo shaped like my dick, as that’s the only source material I have?” Lux raised an eyebrow and glanced down at me.
Og grinned. “Yes, your dick, please.”
“Odd distinction, but cool.” Lux reattached his arm and wiggled his articulate fingers. The wind stirred above us. “If you can make one of your cases heat sensitive, I can start a storm in it that will make it tremble.” He put the dregs of his beer into his dick-shaped air ball. “Some water magic would be better, but wejust need a little moisture for the elements to work together.” He grinned down at me. “A literal raging storm between your legs, Jay. Whatcha think?”