I sighed, watching Lux’s white and gray scaled ass exit the room as the opening sounds of the movie echoed off the bathroom walls. His butt wasn’t quite as bubbly as Tyson’s or Rehan’s, but its peach shape mesmerized me until the door shut behind him.
Judgmental bitch.
We’re spoiled for choice. Sue me.
Just accept them all.
Only until I have my magic back; then we have to free them.
Ishould have known the moment Jay didn’t message me back something was wrong. But no. I’d woken up horny and sent her a dick pic of my stupid knotted sausage like an asshole, and then spent the day assuming I’d fucked up and she didn’t want to talk to me.
Our bond had gone from a living flower to a chunk of rock, and I assumed she blocked me out.
I was the idiot Tyson called me.
After being woken up by my handler in the middle of the night, I shifted into my full dragon and flew. Two of air’s guards, in their dragon forms, ‘guided me’ over their main city. Although the buildings of white walls and blue roofs sparkled during the day, by night the symmetrical grid looked lifeless and cold. What I knew to be a fairy tale castle of white sat in the center of the city, a few stars reflected off its surface. As far as I could see, the only lights on for miles were in a tower at the very top of the castle.
My mate bond pulled me towards that tower, not neutral territory at the castle’s base. I took a single last look at the massive side wing, which housed the EMs, before focusing onmy connection to Jay. My heart raced. I forced myself to breathe, almost inhaling a nearby bat with my deep dragon breath. My handler had passed on Prince Lux’s message. The missing prince now had my mate, who was injured. And instead of trusting another air dragon, he called me.
I didn’t have more information than that. Curiosity and worry warred inside me. My landing on a platform next to a side entrance I’d never seen before was embarrassingly shaky. I set my hastily gathered bag of supplies down before shifting and pulling on a set of loose black pants.
“Welcome, Warlock Ogden. You honor us with your visit.” A mature woman said formally. Two little horns stuck out of her head, each framed by a tight bun of dark gray hair. “The king said not to detain you and, for now, to bend to Prince Lux’s will. Please follow me.”
I noted the ‘for now.’ Despite the late hour, her silver and white pants suit was crisp. Her words felt like a threat, but one I didn’t understand.
Too many stairs and hallways to count disappeared under our quick steps. We climbed a final thin spiral staircase and came to a landing only big enough to fit two. A thick metal door scraped against the stone floor as it opened, and a pale face peeked out at us before throwing the door wide. My eyebrows knit together. I hadn’t seen Prince Lux in years. Even as a teen, he’d had the most beautiful eyes, like a storm at sea. He still did, only now they looked out of the chiseled face of an adult with high cheekbones and sculpted muscles. His bare, smooth chest rose and fell with tension bowing his posture.
“Thank you, Sky.” Prince Lux nodded. “I didn’t expect you to bring him yourself.”
My brain twitched. I’d heard that voice recently. Leaning forward, I studied the prince’s features, only to have a metalhand grip my bicep and pull me through his door like we were good friends.
I only needed to walk a few more feet, and I’d be at Jay’s side. Every instinct pulled me toward my mate, but I wasn’t willing to turn my back on the two air dragons staring each other down.
“You’re sure you don’t need anything else?” Sky asked, giving me a skeptical look.
“I’m sure.” Prince Lux stated.
I pulled out of the prince's grip and stepped backward.
Prince Lux frowned. “I’m not to be disturbed.”
Sky inclined her head. “Two days.” She looked at me. “You have tonight. Tomorrow, you will leave our territory. Lux’s mate is not your concern beyond her initial healing.”
I cocked my head to the side. Lux’s mate was most definitely my concern.
Horns sprouted out of Lux’s head, popping open the band pulling his thick silver-white hair away from his face. His gray eyes crackled with lightning. “Ogden will stay untilmy mateis fully healed.” Power rolled off him, and he snarled and slammed the door shut. The metal clanged oddly against the medieval stonework. He turned to me. Every muscle on his lean, corded frame thrummed like he was moments away from lashing out. Like me, he was shirtless. I let my gaze wander down his frame. His tight six-pack disappeared into a pair of loose green shorts.
One of my colors.
If there was a dragon on this island who could make anyone question their sexuality, Lux was it. I’d never seen a more beautiful man.
“Something’s wrong with her.” Lux grabbed my bicep again, pulling me past a round wall in the center of the room and toward a large bed. Jay lay still in the bed’s center. A thin white bathrobe covered her while outlining her every curve.
Lux pushed me onto his mattress. Despite my worry for Jay, heat blossomed in my stomach. I’d never been manhandled before, and I loved it.