Page 128 of Silent Jay

He hopped and limped out of my view. The sound of hinges badly in need of oil grated against my ears before the rattling of a metal staircase got further and further away.

I let my mind drift, watching the stars twinkle above me.

A sense of peace filled my heart. I reached for my magic but didn’t find it. With a deep breath, I opened my third eye. The Ley Lines spread out before me, though they were still blurry. As the dragon’s island only had one main one and a few offshoots desperately trying to get through the shield, I didn’t have any trouble making out each chord. But if I’d been in London or one of the other convergences, all I’d see was a sea of somewhat distinct colors.

You had to kiss the others for there to be a change.

Right. So, this is already different. Interesting.

The metal rattle from the staircase returned, and Lux rushed to my side, his unique gait from his prosthetic foot back. He slid his arms under me and lifted me into a bridal carry. The cool metal of his arm contrasted with his warm flesh. This time, he shut the trap door he’d opened behind us with his wind magic. We descended a steep, spiral staircase to arrive in a dark room full of furniture covered in white cloth.

“At least they didn’t repurpose my apartment. This would’ve been very awkward.”

Lux glided between two couches and hit a button on the wall. The whir of little electric motors filled the space and lights winked into existence. Shutters cracked open and rose all around me. It was a lot of technology. Almost as much as Tyson’s apartment.

Lux’s ‘home’ was a massive round tower with floor-to-ceiling windows. The spiral staircase we’d been on continued down to what I assumed was another level. All I could see up here was, what I would guess to be cloth-covered couches and chairs, a massive table with an indent on the top, and a wooden bar with a layer of dust on it.

Lux pressed a button on a silver panel. “I need the earth dragon Ogden brought to my apartment immediately.”

“Oh my, Prince Lux, is that you?” An older woman’s voice came over a little speaker.

Lux sighed. “Yeah, Sky, it’s me. Don’t tell my dad?”

“He already knows.” Sky chuckled. “Someone spotted you coming in. He’s bullying the staff for not keeping your apartment ready.”

Lux grimaced. “I wasn’t planning on coming back.”

“Family’s sticky like that,” Sky said, her voice growing somber. “And he didn’t want you to come back, but the moment you were spotted, he perked up. You’re back now and alreadymaking demands. Your dad’s thrilled. I’m sure you’ll make the right choices this time.”

I would have arched an eyebrow. ‘The right choices’ didn’t sound like choices at all.

Lux made a non-committal noise and cleared his throat. “Contact earth’s warlock, Ogden, and tell him Jay’s hurt. He’ll come immediately.”

“Those dirty wyverns keep to themselves, as they should. This Jay, whom I’m assuming is the woman spotted in your arms, should be brought to his majesty immediately.”

“No.” Lux’s voice turned cold and hard. “She stays by my side and away from him. I’ve marked her. I get my three days, or I fly directly to earth territory and cause trouble.”

The line clicked out. Lux’s hand grew and shrank against my skin. His eyes didn’t leave his reflection on the silver panel.

“The EM is in two days,” Sky came back on. “If you sit by your father, his esteemed majesty's, side at the EM, he will give you two days. I’m sure you understand the importance of a united front in such a turbulent time.”

Lux grimaced. “Two days.”

“Great.” Sky squealed, completely changing the tone of the conversation. “A mate! It’s long past time baby dragons filled this place again. WIth any luck, they won’t inherit your disadvantages.”

Lux gritted his teeth.

‘Your disadvantages?’ Who does this bitch think she is?

Jay…baby dragons.

Shit, kids, again, it comes back to kids.

Reality slapped me in the face.

When he asked me if I wanted the mate mark, I’d said yes because I wanted my magic back. I tried to wiggle out of his arms, but only managed to flex my fingers and bite my lips together. Ohh, those were moving now. Progress!

“You’re getting ahead of yourself,” Lux said. “But, yes, I am up here with my mate…”