Don’t answer that, babes.
Good call.
Time ticked. I thought maybe I could feel the sun heating my skin, but I also wanted to feel it, so I wasn’t sure if my mind was playing tricks. Slowly, I drew attention to my different body parts, envisioning Uma Therman inKill Bill.
Wiggle your big toe.
Except I didn’t care about my big toe; I needed to see where I was and who marked me. I pictured my eyelids opening, even calling on my water magic to try and help force them. Nothing came—time dragged by. The light filtering through my eyelids dimmed. I couldn’t hear or see the dragon, but he had to be here still. Was he hurt?
Yeah, Og almost passed out from the pain. This guy’s definitely unconscious.
Massive, magical, supernatural creature. Relax Jay, worry about yourself.
Despite my efforts, it wasn’t until the drug freezing my system eased another notch that my eyes fluttered open, like a fucking Disney princess, to show me a sky full of bright stars and an almost full moon. I still couldn’t move, but I could see.
Scales scratched against rocks as the dragon woke. The air rushed and swirled. Little bolts of electricity danced in the sky as I assumed the dragon shifted into his human form.
“I’m not rutting.” A familiar voice said, clearly confused.
Why would Sister Abby rut?
Do dragon shifters even have that problem? I thought that was wolf shifters and deer.
Prey and Predator have the same problem. How poetic.
Sister Abby’s face came into view, looking down at me. Without makeup, her heart-shaped face was still lovely but took on a more masculine edge. She still peered down at me through thick eyelashes and high cheekbones, but messy silver hair fell past her chin. She swallowed, and her Adam's apple bobbed.
Not a she.
“Jay, can you hear me?” The voice was mostly the same, but it fit this male dragon perfectly.
Plot twist: she was her own lover.
Some lizards can do that, you know.
Please stop.
Focusing on his question, I blinked very deliberately a few times, unable to do more.
Not Sister Abby brushed the hair away from my face. “Can you talk?”
I blinked twice.
He smiled. “So, this is a game. Blink once for ‘yes’ and twice for ‘no?’”
I blinked once.
“Are you hurt?” he asked.
I blinked twice and then winked.
He frowned. “I’m guessing that means not that you know of.”
I blinked once.
He took a deep breath and turned his head to the sky. “Did my mark hurt you?”
I blinked twice.