Page 111 of Silent Jay

I’d just gotten into the fire dragons' rise to power through technology when a knock sounded at my door, making me jump. My bladder screamed at me, and I bolted to the main entrance, tearing it open, before sprinting for the bathroom to relieve myself.

When I came out, Sister Abby still stood in my doorway, shifting back and forth from foot to foot. “Did you change your mind?”

I shook my head and darted for my pad and paper. ‘No, lost track of time reading, then needed to pee.’

Sister Abby grinned. “Good book?”

I bobbed my head; good information, anyway.

“I get lost in books, too.” She motioned to my couch. “We can just play here. I brought sandwiches.”

We set up her game on the large coffee table in front of the unlit fireplace. Castles of Burgundy had quite a bit more to it than Seven Wonders. She ended up only explaining the rules before she needed to teach again.

“Don’t touch it.” She instructed as we both stood from the couch. “I teach four afternoon classes, and I’m coming straight back here.” She reached forward and palmed my waist. Her hand felt warm and much bigger than I’d expected. Little tingles of energy danced along my skin before she squeezed me and ran for the exit.

I tried to look at her ass, any part of her, to understand my physical reaction, but she lived in a sea of fabric. Although I’d messed around with women, I missed the joystick in the center too much.

So, what makes her special?

She has one really nice calf?

Are you a calf person?

I think if you have to ask that, the answer is no.

I sighed and went back to my book. This evening, if all went well, I’d ask for her help getting out of here. I had no faith the trio of Og, Tyson, and Rehan would be able to find my fourth mate, and I wasn’t sitting on my ass waiting.



Iused my air magic to pop the cork on our second bottle of Cava. Jay sighed like it was the best sound in the world. My heart raced. I topped up her glass and then mine before looking at the label and grimacing. It was a cheap Cava from the mainland. She should be drinking my family's vintage grown here on the island. Hurt and pride made my heart twist. When life with Leberecht had been bad, it had been really bad. But when it was good, I’d been part of something I loved.

Jay grunted and poked me in the side. I tore myself away from the past and read her most recent note off my phone screen. ‘You still came in second. I promise to go easy next game.’

I shook the bottle at her, frowning. “There are only two of us.”

She wiggled her eyebrows, and I couldn’t help but smile.

“Do not go easy on me.” I set the bottle down a little too hard.

Jay’s eyes twinkled, and my heart melted. This creature who sat across the board from me was remarkable. No matter how much I didn’t want to believe it. No matter how inconvenient her appearance was, she was here. It wasn’t just my dragon loving it.

My blood bounced between my brain and my cock while my dragon paced, the fog of my rut thickening and thinning with my vanishing self-control. I knew drinking was a bad idea, but I so rarely indulged. I didn’t want to leave Jay’s side.

I sipped my Cava and refortified myself. I could do this, be Sister Abby, and only be Jay’s friend. I didn’t need more.

My dragon hissed unhappily and pushed anger into my blood, though I wasn’t sure my human half was capable of anger at the moment. I was giddy on more than the wine. So much of my life I spent alone. But tonight, I wasn’t. If my dragon wanted me to stay by her side, I would, but on my terms. The moment my rut took over, I would leap off the massive balcony and make sure I spent the next week far from her and my orphanage.

My dragon didn’t like that and calmed.

Jay reached toward the board to reset it, and I forced myself to breathe. Even her simple motions highlighted her beauty. Or, I was desperate to meet someone who liked the same things I did.

A few pieces of the game flew toward me as she accidentally batted them. She let out a slightly intoxicated squeak-giggle, and my heart raced. I caught the pieces with my wind magic and shifted the currents in the air to reset the board for us. “Another round, let’s?—”

The sound of a dragon landing on her porch cut off my words—the anger I’d claimed not to be capable of feeling rushed forward. I growled and stood, scales covering my arms and hands. I placed myself between her and the intruder.

Two polite knocks sounded on her balcony. She completely ignored me, rushing forward to throw open the glass and jump into a bulky water dragon’s shirtless embrace.