Page 55 of The Hometown Legend

“I know. The contacts were shortsighted on my part. If I had kept the glasses, imagine how much easier having a big transformation would be.”

“Right. Well. So what you’re saying want a makeover, but you still want to be you.”

“I don’t have to still look like me. If you have enough makeup to pile on to make me look like someone else, go for it.”

“I don’t think that’s body positive,” said Fia.

“I don’t feel very positive about myself overall, or did you not get that from this interaction?”

Fia sighed. “Fine. I’m not going to argue with you. I’m not going to try to make you feel better. I’m just going to put your makeup on for you.”

She ended up putting on a blue dress that was buried in the back of Fia’s closet. Rory had certainly never seen her sister wear it. It was very fitted and came above the knee, the neckline was scooped and it had thick tank-top straps.

She didn’t like wearing things that were so tight, because she was still sensitive about...everything. And her legs were still skinny.

But the color suited her, and Fia did a good job on her makeup.

She made it coordinate and made Rory feel something close to confident. Mostly because she actually did look like somebody else.

Get a makeover.

She’d done it.

She could check that off her list.

By the time Fia got the glossy red lipstick in place, she might as well have been a sexy stranger.

Sexy. Maybe she looked kind of sexy.

“And these,” said Fia, holding a pair of high-heeled shoes, which Rory slipped her feet into, and then winced.

“These are like torture devices.”

“And your legs look eight feet long.”

“Uh...not sure about my knobby knees getting that much attention.”

“Your knobby... I don’t even know what to say.” Fia looked at her critically. “Take your hair down.”


“Because it’s pretty. Show it. And please be careful. I don’t know exactly what you’re planning on doing.”

“I’m not planning on doing anything,” she lied.

Because if some man wanted to make out with her in full view of the bar, she was going to take him up on it. And if it felt good, and she liked him, then maybe she was going to have to give him her virginity, because again, the idea of going to Boston weighed down with that was...not the best.

“Be safe and watch your drink.”

“I will. Thank you. But you don’t need to worry about me. I have literally spent all my life being cautious, I’m not going to suddenly go out and getnotcautious.”

“People do,” said Fia. “And I get that you’re going out with Gideon... Is there something to that? Or are you hoping for there to be?”

“I told you. I’m his wingman.”

“No, I get that. But are you sure that’s all?”

Even Fia was a little worried about Rory losing sight of reality.