Enough that just his voice gave her thoughts that were so graphic she wanted to hurl herself off the side of the mountain to get some distance between them.
“Okay, we’ll have a...a safe word for if you get too grumpy.” She was proud of herself for saying that. Rather than flinging herself over the side of a mountain.
“Pick one,” he said.
She felt almost certain he was doing this to her on purpose. “It has to be something that we aren’t saying in regular conversation.”
“Snowy plover,” he said.
“What is it with you and birds?”
He shrugged. “I like birds.”
“What is there to like about birds particularly?” she asked.
“Quite a lot. They’re interesting. They’re smart, very teachable, many of them recognize human faces.”
“That’s scary, that’s not interesting.”
She thought maybe he was messing with her. But she really couldn’t tell. “You know, if you’re joking, you might try smiling.”
His face suddenly went blank. “It’s like I’ve forgotten how to do that mostly.”
She’d been trying to tease him, and she’d stepped on a philosophical landmine. Great.
“I’m sorry.”
He shook his head. “No. It’s your job. You’re helping me.” He grinned. It didn’t reach his eyes. That made her heart feel bruised. Seeing him try like this. “Operation Smile More is happening.”
She nodded. “Then I’m happy to assist with Operation Smile More.”
“Tomorrow night.”
“Tomorrow night,” she confirmed.
“And think about that safe word.”
She felt her face getting hot again. “I will.”
She grabbed her notebook and turned around, heading back toward her car. And she realized, with no small degree of absurdity, that she had a date with Gideon Payne.
“Really?” Fia asked, looking at her keenly. “With who?”
“With Gideon, if you must know.”
“It’s not a date-date, don’t look at me like that. But...” She’d been thinking a lot about this. It was going to look like it was a date. And that...that was going to make her seem like she might be something special. Though she was supposed to help him talk to women so no one could think they were together.
But no one would.
“I am going as his wingman, kind of. And he’s kind of mine.”
“I don’t understand any of that.”