Page 69 of The Hometown Legend

“Well, I’m not that attached to beef. My land is going to be turned into an outdoor recreation facility. That’s what I wanted Rory to help with today.”

All eyes swiveled to Rory. “I was not consulted about this beforehand. Don’t you want pancakes?”


He went into the kitchen, grabbed his own plate and put three pancakes on it. The butter and syrup were on the table, and he was liberal with both before he picked up the rest of the conversation.

“Right. So... I’m going to start setting up an obstacle course. I think eventually there’s going to be some zip-lining, I’m going to lead hikes, there’s going to be cabins and campgrounds and things like that.”

“I think that’s a great idea,” said Alaina. “The only thing similar to that is the equine therapy facility my husband runs, but that’s more specialized.”

“Equine therapy?”

“Yeah. It’s really successful with people who have experienced trauma.”

She was looking at him a little bit more meaningfully than he might’ve liked. Or maybe he was imagining it.

“Is that right?” he asked, his tone neutral.

“Yes. We’ve had great successes. With people who have been in abusive relationships, kids who have come out of foster care, veterans.”

Yeah. She had been looking at him with meaning. And the truth was he wasn’t wholly disinterested in the thought.

“Interesting,” he said.

“It’s great work. But you know, it’s not a holiday place. So I think it would be really great to have something like that in Pyrite Falls. Good for all of us. We are not a tourist town the way that Copper Ridge or even Mapleton are. People just don’t think of us for that because it’s so small. But a rustic getaway, that’s a great idea. Something that makes use of the natural beauty.”

“Well, necessity is the mother of invention and all that.” He realized that there was no context for that statement. “I’m starting over.” He regretted saying that.

“Oh,” said Quinn. “Why?”

Rory looked taken aback by Quinn’s direct question. Though Gideon realized he didn’t actually mind answering.

“My military career is over, marriage ended, so it was time to do something else.”

“Oh, I’m sorry,” said Quinn, who did look slightly embarrassed.

He realized it didn’t embarrass him. Which was interesting. He wondered if that part of him was broken.

“I’m going to have you consult on the obstacle course,” he said to Rory. “Because I thought given your newfound stance on risk-taking and bravery...”

“I never said I wanted to do an obstacle course.”

He looked at her. Just her. “I have a rope climb.”

“I didn’t end up adding that to my list.”

“It’s never too late to alter your list, Rory.”

“What list?” Fia asked.

It was the oddest thing. In that four-line exchange, he’d forgotten anyone else was there.

“Nothing,” said Rory. “Anyway.” She took the last sip of her drink and stood up. “Are you ready?”

He was only halfway through his stack of pancakes.

“Sure,” he said.