“Mel’s boyfriend?” she asked.
“Yes.” He told Sloane what happened with Tiffani’s actions and Ethan’s words.
“That’s not his business,” she said. “Good for you for standing up for your daughter.”
“I normally wouldn’t have done that. I would have talked to Mel about it and not made a scene with Ethan.”
“Telling him nicely but firmly to stay out of the parenting of your kids isn’t making a scene. It’s setting boundaries that clearly need to be set.”
“I thought Mel and I had those boundaries, but maybe not.”
“Were you mad that she didn’t have you meet Ethan before the kids?” she asked.
“I wasn’t happy. But the kids didn’t appear to be upset over it. I found out about him first and then Mel talked to them about Ethan for one week. Then I guess he just showed up one night. Said he got the nights confused. I’m starting to think that isn’t the case. That maybe he pushed the issue, but I don’t know.”
“Ouch,” she said. “That is Mel’s problem, but it seems to me he is the insecure one there.”
“Most likely.”
“Will you talk to the kids about it?” she asked.
“I will in a few days.” He told her what he said about the board games too.
“See,” she said. “You’re the good guy. Just like your sister said.”
He let out a sigh. “That was today, huh? Do I want to know how it went?”
“It was today and I think it was great,” she said. “Chloe cares a great deal for you.”
“I’m sure she made me out to be a pushover.”
“No,” she said, running her hand over his cheek. “She made you out to be exactly who you are. A man who puts those he loves first and foremost. One that has no problem standing up for loved ones either when the time warrants it. Just like today.”
He dipped his head down and gave her another kiss. “You have no idea how much I needed to hear that. There was part of me that felt like an ass when I said all of that to Mel and she was stunned by it.”
“Not me,” she said. “We can’t all be nice every day of the week. Nor should we be. It’s not fair to anyone.” Her hands moved to his shoulders. “And it causes stress and tension. I could give you a freebie tonight with a happy ending.”
He burst out laughing. “Here I brought cookies for being late and you’re going to reward me with that.”
“It’s not a reward for you,” she said smiling. “It’s a little fantasy of mine that I’d never do in my business, but here I can do what I want. If you’re game?”
“More than game,” he said.
“Then dinner can wait,” she said. “Take me to my room.”
He picked her up and carried her to her room.
If he felt like a knight in shining armor today, he was keeping that silly thought to himself.
But he had to admit it was a good feeling to have.
“Carolyn,” Sloane said on Monday morning. “Bright and early.”
“I am,” Carolyn said.