Page 49 of Fierce-Dane

Nothing looked any different even if he felt a ton lighter.

After running some more cold water over his neck and chest, he dried off and opened the door to see Sloane standing there dressed. He hadn’t realized he’d been in there that long.

“I wasn’t sure if you were okay or not,” she said, holding out his shorts and underwear.

He took them and put them on, leaving them undone while he followed her back to the bedroom to get his shirt.

“I’m fine. Just a little drained.”

“Me too. I don’t normally drink, but if I had some wine I think I’d be sleeping in minutes.”

“I’m not much of a drinker either,” he said. “But I don’t mind beer now and again.”

“I’ve got chocolate fudge brownies,” she said. “Sugar for energy.”

“Talk about the best way to finish a night,” he said, pulling her close and kissing her on the forehead.

“Then I planned this all out perfectly considering I didn’t plan much at all.”

“Spontaneity seems to be on our side so we should just ride it out.”

“Works for me,” she said, squeezing him, then moving back.



“Oh wow,” Heather said to her the next morning.

She turned and looked at her longest employee who’d closed for her last night. She’d come back before eight yesterday as Dane had left a few minutes before.

Heather and Brittany were in the parking lot, the last two. She waved to them, rolled the window down and thanked Heather, then pulled away.

She did that hoping she wouldn’t get asked too many questions today.

“What?” she asked after Heather’s comment this morning.

Heather moved in and lowered her voice. “I thought it was an early date for you, but you got lucky.”

She turned and leaned against the bed that she’d just made for her first client.

“Between us?” she asked, moving her hand back and forth.

“Of course,” Heather said. “I know how the rest of them are.”

“I got lucky twice,” she said and did a little giddy dance and then slapped her hand in front of her mouth.

Where the hell had that come from?

She’d never done that a day in her life.

Never been frivolous. There wasn’t much in her life that called for it.

When she got on her own she was serious.

She needed stability and put all her effort into that.

Sure, she had fun with friends, when she made them. Or dated, when she had time.