Page 56 of Fierce-Dane

He was doing this on his own and no one was going to claim otherwise.



“It’s nice to see you again, Chloe,” Sloane said two weeks later.

She wasn’t surprised to see Dane’s sister coming in for a massage.

Chloe Grey-Kennedy came in once a month, or so it seemed, but not always to see her.

When she looked at the scheduling she’d seen the appointment was made a few weeks ago and seemed to be before Dane had told his sister about their relationship.

“You too,” Chloe said.

“If you’re ready we can head back,” Sloane said. Once the two women were walking down the hall, she added, “We can clear the elephant out of the room too.”

“The bright pink one grinning and dancing?” Chloe asked.

“That one,” she said. “Though I’m not positive it’s pink.”

“Just dancing,” Chloe said, laughing.

“If you think so.”

Sloane liked Chloe’s wit.

They got to the room and Chloe said, “I know the routine. Just like Dane does now too.”

She smiled and closed the door for Chloe to get undressed and on the bed, then knocked a few minutes later.

“Any areas of concern today?” she asked. “Other than my relationship with your brother?”

Chloe was on her back and leaned up on her elbows, the sheet still covering her. “I’ve got no concerns about your relationship. Just that Dane has been through a few very hard years.”

“He’s told me,” she said. “Same scent as always?”

“Yep, you know what I like,” Chloe said. “And back to Dane. We can get it out of the way.”

“We can,” she said.

She went to work on Chloe, her hands sliding under Dane’s sister’s shoulders and feeling around the knots and tension.

“He knows I’m here today,” Chloe said. “No worries. He also knows I’m going to bring his name up because we do those things. But I won’t be too bad. He’s my big brother, but I have to admit he’s never been horrible with the men I’ve dated. He’s always been in my corner and accepts my judgment on things.”

“Judgment?” she asked.

“A figure of speech. I’m not sure what Dane has told you about my past with men.”

“Not much,” she said. “We don’t see each other often and when we are together it’s not spent talking about other people.”

“Good,” Chloe said. “I’m sure he talks about the kids and you’d have questions about Melanie.”

“Melanie?” she asked, frowning.

“Mel,” Chloe corrected. “Only Dane called her that. She got nasty one day when my mother and I did it and asked us not to.”

“That’s interesting.”