Page 146 of Fierce-Dane

“I thought I was,” she said. “And now where I’m going is to the vending machine for a soda. I should talk to the Fierces. I wonder what the chances are of getting a wine vending machine in the building. Beer? I’d settle for that in a pinch after that session.”

“I’ve got a bottle of whiskey in my drawer,” Miles said. “Never been opened, but you know I said I’d keep it here.”

She smiled. “I might take you up on it one day but not today.”

She looked at the slim gold watch on her wrist. She had twenty minutes before her next client and walked out into the hallway, saw her clients off to the side bickering and told herself not to intervene. No one seemed in danger and Zachery’s smile was gone.

Katelyn pulled her arm away and walked into Davenport Law.

She stood there a minute debating if she should find out what was going on and then decided it might be better not to when Zachery turned to go toward the elevator.

They were on the second floor and she was going to take the stairs and turned in that direction and heard a throat clear.

There was Zander Conway watching her.

He had an office right next to hers. Private investigator.

They’d talked a few times in the two months she’d been here. She’d even referred a client to him who needed their spouse looked into for an affair.

She didn’t only do couples therapy, but that was the basis of her business recently.

“Good afternoon,” she said to Zander.

“Your clients came out of there hand in hand smiling and then next thing I know the woman is talking about a divorce.”

She held her grin in. At least Katelyn spoke up.

“Looks can be deceiving,” she said.

“I got nervous for a second that the guy was going to blow up. His face got red and he nudged her to the side. I politely offered that there was a law office right there that could handle any divorce.”

She started to laugh. Maybe she needed that right now.

“Did that make it better or worse?”

“Calmed the guy down fast, but the woman’s eyes lit right up and you saw what I did. She marched right in there. Hope I didn’t ruin any of the work you’ve been doing.”

Regan looked him over. He was over six feet of a yummy specimen.

She wasn’t sure the last time she looked at a man and thought that, but whenever she saw Zander Conway, her mind went to all sorts of things it never had in the past.

His hair was dark and a little messy right now. He had on jeans and sneakers, a black T-shirt and his phone was vibrating in his pocket. Loud enough for her to hear and her eyes to drop down to the front of his jeans by his crotch.

Once she realized what she was doing, she yanked them up fast and heard him laugh.


“You didn’t ruin anything,” she said. “I guide and they choose their own paths.”

“I guided them right to an attorney. It was better than me breaking his fingers if he landed a hand on her.”

She let out a little laugh. This was making her day better than a drink could.

“I’m sure they both appreciate that,” she said.

“Good to see you, Doc,” he said, then took his call and went into his office, so she turned back into hers.

“Oh boy,” Miles said. “Sexy PI and you were having a conversation. I saw it and heard some of it.”