She wouldn’t tell him how scared she was that maybe he was getting himself into situations where he could be in danger, but it turned out fine. Sandy was in a halfway house with no memory of anything and in no danger either. Zander had told her that.
“It looks like they are finishing their food fast,” she said. It seemed to only be drinks and appetizers and some friendly conversation and then Tricia stood and seemed to be walking out.
“Just sit back and enjoy our dinner then,” he said. “I’m going to have a conversation with Justin about this tomorrow.”
“The guy is still at the table finishing his drink.”
“Maybe she didn’t leave,” he said.
“No, she did,” she said. “She had her jacket with her. I’ll be back.”
“What are you doing?” he asked.
But Regan was up and sitting across from the guy before Zander could stop her. She had no idea what was possessing her to do this other than she wanted to help.
The question was who was she helping?
“Hi,” she said. “You look so familiar to me. Like the younger brother of one of my friends.”
The guy pushed his glasses up on his nose a bit more. “I don’t have a sister,” he said. “Just an older brother. He might be close to your age.”
“It’s Scott, right?” she asked. Thankfully she’d heard his name.
“It is,” Scott said. “What’s your name?”
“Deborah,” she said. She wasn’t sure why she said her mother’s name, but it was the first one that came to her mind.
“It’s nice to meet you. Wow, I guess Tricia was right and it works.”
“What works?” she asked.
“I hired her to go on a date with me. She said that if you go on a date with a woman beyond your league that you get confidence and then it shows for other women to come and seek you out. I probably sound like an idiot or a loser, but she claims if women see you with someone better looking and more high-end than yourself, they think there is something there they want.”
Tricia wasn’t wrong there. It was a common perception and she hated the games people played.
“Oh, so that wasn’t your girlfriend you were having a drink with?”
“No,” Scott said. “Just a paid date.”
“You know,” she said, leaning forward, “I’ve got some friends who might like to do something like that. Is it like a website she works for and they’ve got men too?”
“I don’t know,” he said. “I’ve got her website though.”
“Can I see it?” she asked. “I just want to snap a picture of it if I can?”
“Sure,” Scott said. “But you’re with someone right now, aren’t you?”
“Just my brother,” she said. “Maybe it’d help if I could use a service like you just had.” She could imagine Zander wanted to wring her neck, but she wasn’t worried in the least.
She snapped the picture of the website and then Scott got up to leave and she went back to her table with Zander.
“You could have just blown everything,” he said.
“Nope. I know my job. I know what I see and observe. He was in awe of her and hanging on every word. Once I lied about knowing him, he felt he could open up to me.”
“I heard,” he said. “Send me what you have on the website.”
“I just solved your case,” she said, wiggling in her chair. “I want to jump up and do a booty shake and am not sure I’ve ever wanted to do that in my life.”