Page 108 of Fierce-Zander

“Sure,” he said. “I’ve got time.”

Betsy moved into his office and said, “I didn’t tell them until yesterday. Diane was in the building and showing off pictures of Micah. Miles hadn’t said anything either.”

“You’re just telling me this now?” he asked. “Normally you want to give me all the details of those things.”

“You were busy yesterday. You’ve been out of town and we are slammed with work.”

“Not a bad thing,” he said. Thankful once again for his father, but now it was only going to get busier. He hadn’t even said much to Betsy about what was going on either because his father was the one who was going to take the lead on this.

“Very true. I’ll show them back.”

He watched Betsy leave the office and saved what he was working on, then looked up when the twins walked into his office.

They might be older than his father, but they sure the hell looked like they were in their prime.

Big men each with a full head of hair still, only a lot of it white like his father.

They filled his office and had a powerful presence to them, but both had a shit-eating grin on their face.

“Gentlemen,” he said. “Have a seat.”

“I hear there is some interesting news to share,” Grant said.

“I’ve always got interesting news but not sure I can share most of it. You’ll have to be more specific.”

The brothers looked at each other. “The news of your relationship.”

“Again,” he said, smirking, “I’ve got a lot of relationships in my life. Working and personal.”

“With Regan,” Garrett said.

“Oh, the woman you all thought you could have my staff and Regan’s try to set me up with?”

More looks between the twins. “It seems to be working,” Grant said.

“Did Betsy and Miles also inform you that they had no idea it was going on?” he asked.

Their smiles dropped. “That might have been passed on by Diane when she filled us in yesterday,” Grant said.

“Good to know,” he said. “I don’t think there is that much to dispute that Regan and I didn’t need any help and got there on our own.”

“No,” Garrett said. “I’m not disputing it. But we’d like it known we did call this before it happened.”

He snorted. He couldn’t argue that either. “Fair enough,” he said. “Regan is aware. No secrets here or anything. She knowswhat is going on, and when I figured out what you guys were up to, I let her know.”

“How was she with the knowledge?” Grant asked.

“Said she’s more qualified than you to pair people up,” he said.

When their eyes lit up, he realized he might have started something he shouldn’t have. “We’ll take her input,” Garrett said. “Our wives would love it.”

“That would be between them and Regan, but I’m sure she’s busy.”

“Just like you are too,” Grant said. “We came to touch base with you about the conversation a few weeks ago regarding security in the buildings. What your thought is on it. There are a lot of businesses inquiring and we’d like to figure something out.”

“I talked to my father about it,” he said. “It is something we’d be interested in. I’m spread pretty thin right now. He’d like to take it on but knows that it will take him away from his retirement.”

Which his father gladly jumped on. He thought for sure his mother would balk and surprisingly they were both on board.