Regan stood up and moved to him, grabbed his shirt, plastered her lips to his, and then slapped his ass on the way out. “Happy now, Miles?”
Miles did a little hop in place and clapped his hands. “Gurl, I’m so happy. Are we going to talk details?”
“No,” Zander said.
“Come on,” Regan said. “It’s just girl talk. Miles won’t look at your ass anymore than he already was when you walk out the door.”
“I’m out of here,” Zander said, the heat filling his face, and he tried to ignore the fact three people were laughing at him.
How the hell had he lost the upper hand when he went marching in there twenty minutes ago?
“I’m sorry I’m leaving tomorrow,” Zander said. “I’d rather go and get back before next week and then you won’t be alone.”
She was trying not to grind her teeth as they drove to his parents’ house for the holiday dinner.
He’d been good about the letter for the past few days, but this morning he’d dropped it on her that he’d changed his schedule to leave Friday rather than Monday. She knew part of it had to do with him not wanting to leave her alone at the office.
And though deep down she really liked that he was watching out for her and she felt somewhat protected and safe, she also couldn’t let herself depend on him all the time either.
She’d been managing her life and clients for years and it was not the first time creepy things had happened or been said or sent.
“I’m fine and you know it,” she said. “I’m not saying this to upset you or make anything worse. I’m just stating a fact. You could be in town and out running errands and the building full of people and something could happen. You can’t control it all.”
“I know,” he said. “I understand that. But the truth is, this is for Sloane and one of the people I’ve been trying to reach actually got back to me via email. He’s in town over the weekend and then gone again. He has information and doesn’t want to give it over the phone.”
“Does that happen a lot?” she asked.
“More than you realize. Whether we were together or not, I’d be going there tomorrow.”
“At least you’re not changing your schedule for me,” she said.
“No. I would if I could, but I can’t always. I don’t like that either. I hope you understand.”
“I do,” she said. “And I have no problem with it. Just because I love you doesn’t mean we have to spend every minute together.”
“No,” he said. “We don’t.”
“But I will admit I’ll miss you from my bed this weekend.”
He groaned when she said that and she laughed and decided to tease him even more and reached over to cup him between his legs.
“Cut that out,” he said. “I don’t need to walk into my parents’ house looking like I want to jump you.”
“So you’ll jump me later tonight before you leave?”
“I promise,” he said. “Now move your hand. We are only a block away.”
“This is a new development. You didn’t grow up here, did you?”
“No. They downsized after Marley graduated from law school. Maybe if they stayed in the same old big house my father would have things to do.”
“You love having him work for you, don’t you?”
“I’d love it more if he’d let me pay him, but he doesn’t and it’s getting frustrating.”