Page 136 of Fierce-Zander

“We will,” Betsy said. “Were you coming up to see one of us?”

“Actually,” Diane said, “no. I ran into one of my former students not that long ago when I was in the building and she said the next time we are here to come say hi. She’s on the fourth floor and I just hit the wrong button. I’m not used to going to that floor.”

“We saw you out here talking and figured it had to do with your bosses and wanted to see what was going on,” Carolyn said.

“Now you know,” Miles said.

“We do,” Diane said. “Have a good day.”

“Do you think they will stay out of it?” he asked Betsy.

“No clue,” Betsy said. “But I’m not going to worry about it. We have to figure out how to get those two in the same place as much as possible.”

“They are all but living together,” he said. “How much more do we need to do?”

“You’d be surprised. I’ll let you know if anything else happens today.”

He looked at his watch. “I need to get back to my desk as Regan will be done with her client in a minute too. I’m not getting on her bad side any time soon.”

“Should we do anything?”Carolyn asked Diane when they got in the elevator.

“Not yet,” Diane said.

“That was a good lie you came up with on the fly,” Carolyn said, laughing. “We were going to check on them.”

“They don’t need to know that,” she said. “The guys, they would have messed up and said it. But we are smarter than that. We saw how the two of them were at the New Year’s Eve party.”

“Perfect for each other,” Carolyn said. “Everyone can see it.”

“That’s right. Give it a day or so and see if we get an update. If not, then we’ll send the guys over to check in on the security system and see if they can flesh out some information.”

“Sounds like a plan,” Carolyn said. “Should we check in with Jolene and see how she is making out? We haven’t talked to her since the holidays.”

“She’s too busy getting ready for the birth of Cade’s daughter. I still find it funny that Alex said no more kids and then ended up pregnant. Good thing it wasn’t twins again.”

“They’ve got a few months to go,” Carolyn said.

“That’s right. And she’s trying to figure out if it’s better to work on Michael before Alex goes out of work or not.” She shook her head. “She doesn’t even know who she is going to set him up with. I’m not sure how she is going to get that one to work.”

“Jolene always finds a way,” Carolyn said. “Just like us.”

“If she could hear us right now, she’d say it’s because she’s the master.”

“We let her think it,” Carolyn said. “But we are doing pretty good on our own.”



“Did you stay at Regan’s last night?” Betsy asked him Wednesday morning when he walked into the office with a jumbo coffee in his hand.

“No,” he said shortly.

“You left her alone?” Betsy asked.

He wanted to growl, which was completely unlike him.

“The cameras are set up,” he said. “I could see anyone coming and going if I needed to.”