Page 133 of Fierce-Zander

She was right. It could take a long time to do it and he didn’t even know what he was looking for or what day.

But he also knew she was putting up a front right now to block her own fear. He learned enough about her that he’d give her this time to fight him knowing she’d come to her senses.

He wasn’t giving in though. He got his sandwich off the plate and sat on the couch and started to scroll through. She walked right past him with her sandwich and grabbed the remote to turn the TV on.

It went right to the news and the two of them didn’t talk for hours.

When ten rolled around, she didn’t say a word and just went upstairs to bed.He didn’t think she’d hold out this long before admitting she was scared.

He wasn’t getting anywhere and shut his laptop off and checked the house. She’d already locked the door, but he was doing one more sweep.

She didn’t say one word to him when he climbed into bed. Guess this was one of their first fights. Or true fights. At least before she would talk to him.

“Are you not talking to me now?”

“I talked to you,” she said. “I told you I wasn’t looking at footage all weekend. I had things to do. You didn’t reply and decided to bury your nose in the computer.”

She turned over and put her back to him.

He didn’t reply and realized she got the last word in again.



“What bug crawled up your butt?” Miles asked her on Monday.

Regan set her coffee cup down with a loud click under the one-cup maker, then shut the mini fridge with more force than necessary.

“Nothing,” she said. “Why do you ask?”

“Oh,” Miles said, “I don’t know. Could be your body is so tense that I could bounce a quarter off of it.”

When her coffee was done brewing, she poured her creamer in it and put it away gentler than she’d pulled it out, then made sure the fridge didn’t shut that hard either.

“Not sure what you’re talking about.”

She turned and walked into her office.

Miles wasn’t one to give her any peace and was on her heels. “Did you and Zander get into a fight or something?”

“No fighting,” she said. “We’d have to be talking to do that.”

She couldn’t believe he stayed all weekend and barely said a word. She knew what was happening. He didn’t want to leave her alone yet he didn’t want to admit how unreasonable he was being either.

There was no way she was going to bring it up again and try to get him to talk.

It was the weekend and this was the time they had together, and if he wanted to spend it on a wild goose chase, that was on him. He wasn’t being reasonable and if she told him how scared she was, he’d put bodyguards around the whole block. He needed to calm down before they could talk about it. Both of them did.

She was safe as long as he was with her and never once did she tell him to leave, yet he didn’t understand that part either.

She went about her weekend cleaning and making food for them, the two of them barely talking. It wasn’t complete silence but not what she was used to.

If anyone ever said she was emotionless they didn’t know what it was like to feel like she was a volcano ready to erupt hot lava all over his overbearing cocky ass.

The worst part of it, she had cameras on her house now and the app on both her phone and Zander’s.

She wanted to argue but knew that would be stupid.