Page 99 of Catch a Tiger

“Then tell her toleave,” Mylo snarled, wrapping his hand around Samuel’s throat, his eyes finally glowing gold. “She is creating unnecessary conflict because she wants to. I almost lost him today because of that fuckingbitch, and if you don’t handle it, I will.”

He couldn’t deny the truth of that no matter how much it hurt.

Rune would have chased their mate to the ends of the earth if he had to, andthatwas why Samuel had gone after her.

He had taken a risk and called his favorite witchling to help him, so he wouldn’t lose his bond mates when he’d already lost so much, but now she was creating the very problem he was trying to prevent.

Why was she doing that? She always had her own reasons, but Vix was right. Morgan could have told him what was going on as one of the few mortal mind readers in the world.

The gaping madness threatened to swallow him whole as he considered the possibility that the child he’d raised was betraying him.

“Vix told me Gabriel was the one who took her,” Samuel said softly, giving in to the chaos. He smiled slightly when Mylo’s grip on him loosened. “Do you think you can take on an archangel and win,Alpha?”

A flicker of that creature inside Mylo danced in his eyes before it died, turning to ash once more. “If that’s what it takes to keep Rune safe, you know I will.”

“Not her?” Samuel knocked the hand off his throat and kicked Mylo’s ankles out, grabbing his shoulder and slamming his second into the snow. He knelt beside the other tiger, grinning down at him with all that chaos he usually ignored. “You were so keen on avenging her earlier. Where did that go?”

“You think I need to worry about keeping her safe from an angel?” Mylo scoffed.

His uppercut was fast and brutal, shaking Samuel off of him just long enough for the other tiger to pounce, shoving him into the earth so hard he could have sworn it shuddered underneath him.

“If you think she needs any help in that department, you haven’t been paying attention,Sammy.”

Another punch dazed him, reminding his monster how much he loved a good fight before bathing in blood.

The roar that came out of him shook the snow from the trees, and Sammy grabbed Mylo, throwing him into the nearest tree so hard it cracked and fell. But the other tiger barely noticed considering the way he landed on his feet andmoved.

It sounded like mountains crashing into each other when Mylo attacked and Samuel blocked. There was no pretty dance like the raven performed with their mate. This was brutal andvicious, aiming for what would hurt most, what would do the most damage.

Whatever they’d done to Mylo was a match for his monster and Samuellaughed, digging claws into flesh as they both tried to get the upper hand and failed.

“You’re both idiots.”

Everything just…stopped.

All the madness slid back down into the cracks and Mylo’s eyes became nothing but frosty gold once more at the sound of that bored, male voice.

They turned as one to stare at Vix’s raven in disbelief.

He was large for a smaller shifter, probably about 6’3” give or take, but it was the assassin’s garb that covered him from head to toe in inky black that made Samuel pause.

They’d completely forgotten this guy was on their property. How fucking disconcerting.

Vixen would never stop scrambling his brain, would she?

“Excuse me?” Mylo finally demanded, but he still refused to let go of Samuel.

“I said, you’re idiots.” The way the raven enunciated every word reminded him of Vix for some reason and Samuel narrowed his eyes. “Do you need me to say it again?”

Shoving the other tiger away from him, Samuel studied the assassin who claimed to be their mate’s father. “You made yourself very clear, thanks.”

The raven chuckled, eyeing the two of them closely. “You’re just like her and I can’t decide if that’s a good thing or not.”

“I’m sorry, but you’re wrong,” Mylo snapped, wiping the blood from his chest and flicking it onto the snow. “I am not a fox or a witch.”

“But you’re not just a tiger, are you?” The raven grinned when Mylo snarled at him. “They took you apart real good, butthe seams are a bit infected. You should probably get someone to take a look at that.”

Chapter 30