“Soon my wings will be bigger than his,” she said as she stood, waving her hand and making all those feathers swirl into a rising vortex before they too disappeared. “I wonder how angry he’ll be when he sees that.”
Then her eyes strayed back to the cloudy sky and Samuel would have sworn on his life he saw those clouds darken, roiling in warning as if they were forced to be an unwilling witness to this…carnage.
Thiswas their missing piece.
If Mylo and Rune were this fucking obsessed already…it didn’t matter how psychotic she was.
He would make it work, because Samuel refused to lose. Fate would not take his bond mates from him after everything else they’d taken from him.
Morgan would be punished for deceiving him, but right now he had to get his fucking mate before this whole thing got even more out of hand.
Instincts whispered, and he embraced his tiger – shifting silently before padding through the snow like a ghost. That wildcreature was dangerous and the last thing he needed was to get them all killed by approaching her as a man.
Samuel refused to lose Mylo or Rune, and if that meant he had to tame this psychotic woman, he would.
But fuck him…
There was nothing he hated more than chaos.
Chapter 6
Adream she’d forgotten, but it hadn’t forgotten her…
It felt like the earth was wailing around her with such beautiful,excruciatingagony and she could never truly ease it no matter how much she took. The angels had been made to protect humanity, but all they did was add to mortal pain.
She stared up at the sky as clouds darkened and held her breath—waiting.
The scar in the universe pulsed like a living thing, calling to her.
So close to the source…
She’d tried running away.
For years, she’d run until she couldn’t feel her legs anymore. Then Kenji had found her—claimed her. He’d given her a place where she’d belonged – taught her everything he knew. Vix had been raised a raven, and she’d been a good assassin despite the fact that she didn’t possess wings.
It had never mattered to them that her memories had been stolen. No one had cared if she was broken – that she’d had her fur stolen as well as her scent. He’d taken everything from her, but the ravens didn’t care because there was so much they could give her to replace it with.
But her missing memories had always made it difficult to remember things. Vix lived with magic carved into her skin, pulsing in her veins…
This world was a cruel and heartless place, and she couldn’t turn off her emotions like a raven shifter could.
Vix had briefly thought that claiming her humanity might be the answer to the emptiness inside. Years of learning how to be like them, blending into their cities despite knowing she was nothing.
Just a ghost – hell bound and bent on blood.
For a long time, she’d forgotten her purpose despite the push and pull she felt in the universe.
Then she’d seen one.
Walking through the city with phantom wings that no one else could see.
His eyes had met hers and she’d been frozen in place, wondering if he would recognize her even if she’d had no ideawhyshe would be afraid of that, but the fire in his eyes didn’t match and he’d kept walking like she didn’t even exist.
A hybrid…just like her.