All their weapons had been taken and Kaiden watched in sick fascination as they ripped their palms open on their teeth and let that black blood fall, staining the stairs once more. “We accept your terms and we swear our undying allegiance to the Queen of Draga.”
She nodded and sliced her own palm open. “I swear to keep your people safe and treat them as I would the ones born into my system.”
Princess Dejah led the Neprijat back down to where Adelina had warriors already waiting for them. No doubt she’d already planned which ships would bear them and where they would go. Kaiden hadn’t bothered to ask.
By this point he blindly trusted her. She’d planned for everything and more. Kaiden would follow her to the ends of the universe and back if she asked it of him.
But Adelina still wasn’t done. “I have taken back the Khara System with my allies. We release any claim to it. Khara is yours once more,” she said to Kaita and the other royals.
Only five other than Nash.
So few.
Kaiden let his wing brush Nash’s arm.
He could only imagine what the Corinthian warrior was feeling. Kaiden knew a fraction of it. After all, his people had been ruled by the Neprijat but it hadn’t been the same. They hadn’t come into Hai with violence and destruction.
The Neprijat had been content to let his people die out from their infertility.
Kaita stepped forward. “Thank you for everything you’ve done for us.” The princess smiled at the other royals. “We look forward to continuing our alliance. Any who wins the Crown will re-sign our treaty.”
Kaiden smiled and knew Adelina’s reign would be one of peace and prosperity. The first few cycles would be difficult as they rebuilt, but they would come out the other side better and stronger.
They would grow together.
The humans descended from the Ancients reunited at last.
Watching Adelina take control made Nash vibrate with need. She was everything and more. The power she wielded was nothing short of awe-inspiring.
Adelina had given him his home back. She’d kept the promise she’d made to him when she barely knew him – when he was nothing more than a stranger begging for sanctuary. That quiet little princess had kept that promise and then some.
When Kaita hugged Adelina, Nash stepped forward.
This was the moment.
He needed the entire galaxy to know he was serious about his new position.
Silence rippled through all those who had gathered when Nash dropped to a knee before Kaita. Then he said loud and clear for all to witness, “I, Prince Nash of Khara, yield my right to rule to Princess Kaita. I ask only that I retain my House and the planet Leva.”
Kaita stood in front of him for a long moment, and Nash wondered if she would accept. He wondered if Adelina had known, or if he’d managed to finally surprise her.
“I accept,” Kaita finally said.
He looked up and she gave him a nod. Much would need to be worked out, but Nash didn’t want any chance at the throne. He looked to Adelina, who indeed had a slightly shocked look on her face, as did Varan.
“I swear allegiance to you my queen, my future wife.” And Nash placed his fist over his heart. “From now until the end of my days.”
Adelina smiled at him with tears in her eyes.
He stood and moved aside when Princess Svana and Princess Tawney climbed up the steps. Someone had given them clothes instead of the slave rags they’d been wearing when they’d been freed. Both twins knelt together. “For what you’ve done for Khara, we yield our right to rule to Kaita of Neofilis House.”
Princess Lilja and Prince Milagros came up next in their battle armor – blood streaked and sweaty. They too knelt before Kaita. “For finding us when no one else could. For freeing our home. We yield our right to rule, to you.”
Nash smiled up at Kaita, enjoying the look of utter shock and terror on her face. Then she regained her composure. “I accept what you offer and I will do my best to rule with strength. Will you do the honors?” she asked, turning to Adelina.
His future wife grinned and even though he had no idea what Kaita meant, she did. Adelina snapped her fingers and one of her Queen’s Guard came up. A few whispered words and the female disappeared.