Battle for Khara
Varan was still numb. He could barely bring himself to say anything much less move after what he’d seen.
After what Adelina had done.
He felt nothing but quiet satisfaction. The horde was dead. They’d saved who they could. And Khara was theirs.
They’d succeeded.
And survived.
All thanks to his wife and queen.
But that moment she’d bowed to the Neprijat king haunted him – that moment he’d moved to keep his promise wouldn’t stop replaying in his head. Varan had sworn an oath he’d kill her before letting the king take her – and he had never planned to live longer than the second it would take to confirm her death before taking his own life.
The king hadn’t taken her though. She had given herself to him.
And it had been a ploy. A dangerous, heartbreaking ploy.
The king had bought it through and through even if Varan had seen it for what it was.
Adelina had given them the time they needed – an opportunity.
By putting herself in the most dangerous position. One wrong move and the king could have taken her. And if that power of persuasion had worked on her…
Varan closed his eyes for a moment to try and clear his head.
TheJasmineand theRoyal Rosaneraled the fleet back to Khara Prime – inspecting the battlefields as Adelina organized vid footage of the king’s death as well as the absolute obliteration of the horde.
Varan watched in utter, immovable silence as she selected a public channel and every device they could access throughout the Khara System. Adelina had been right. There was still much work to do yet.
But she was alive. And so was he.
Despite his best efforts.
Varan didn’t regret keeping his promise even if it might have been for nothing. So much could have gone wrong. The chances that the king would murder them all and keep Adelina for himself had been too high for him to risk.
Then Adelina set up a public transmission. “Your king is dead,” she stated ruthlessly—mercilessly. “The horde of reinforcements are gone bymydoing.”
Adelina let that sink in and Varan felt a flicker of pride that all his lessons on drama had taken.
“Any Neprijat remaining in the Khara System can surrender to me and live. But only if you’re willing to live by your old ways and remove your power of persuasion.”
Another pause and Varan studied the spot on her throat where the knife would have landed had Kaita not blocked him.
Adelina was alive. She was free. And she’d squirreled away a weapon so powerful it had wiped outtrillionsof enemy ships in a few moments.
“If you accept, fly the symbol of surrender and land before the palace on Khara Prime. Those of you who don’t will be eliminated.”
Cold fury from a queen that had just taken two systems and had protected the innocents of her enemy. Those who would not follow her command would not live to see the next day and Varan snarled in satisfaction.
“Do I get to take their eyes?” he asked.
Kaiden and Nash stared at him, no doubt feeling the cold that had taken over his body through the bond. Varan needed to wrap his hands around throats, pluck eyes with his bare hands, and feel the blood of his enemy.
But he would have to settle for taking his anger out on his wife. The one who’d sent his instincts to this place to begin with.