Mak was the first to nod. He took out ragged scraps of fabric from the box and handed it to her. “We will succeed,” he said, voice strong and sure.
Kaita took the fabric from him, barely enough to wrap around her hips with two small pieces meant to cover her front and back. A whisper of wind and she’d be on display. The fabric meant for her breasts wasn’t much better. It would cover her nipples. Maybe.
She growled in annoyance. “We will, or wearing this was for nothing and I’m not going to let that happen.”
Delphine snorted and took hers. “I have no plans to kill them quickly, just for this.”
The words made the other females nod in agreement, smiles grim.
But they had their way in to the palace and in a few hours, they’d be face to face with the Neprijat king.
“Don’t forget the plan,” Kaita reminded as she passed out those hideous, degrading rags. “The moment I get into the palace the beacon will be lit and our allies will be on their way. One way or another, we will be free tonight. By victory or by death.”
Kaita had no plans to survive if they failed. And if that happened…she’d make sure the king and every Neprijat she could get her hands on went down with her.
* * *
Chains rattled as they connected their ankles together. The males were behind them and the Neprijat eyed her, Roxy, and Delphine before moving to inspect the three other females. Six females in total.
The males followed behind them. They would have to split up in the palace. No one would be the wiser – thinking they were simply being turned in. Only females were presented to the king – to be added to his harem.
Valdis had said they’d be ecstatic to bring more females to the king. Apparently his appetite was difficult to keep up with.
The males shuffled behind them in their endless rags that covered up their armor. Once they entered the palace they would all be separated, but Kaita didn’t need more than the six of them if the intel Valdis had given her was correct.
“He keeps Vivienne by his side at all times,” Valdis hissed as he yanked her along. “I’m sure it’s to test me, but with his commands I could do nothing but obey as my future wife sat at his feet like a dog. Once she’s free we will join in the fight.”
“There’s an extra suit of armor,” Kaita whispered back, yanking on the chain that connected the manacles on her wrists to all the other slaves. “I put it in the case for her.”
Neprijat chuckled to see her fire, no doubt murmuring in that harsh language how they couldn’t wait to see the king break her. Apparently he liked to make it public. Valdis had seen that first hand when Vivienne had crawled across the floor to literally lick his boots.
The case was inspected at the palace gates of course, but the jewels on the top were enough to convince the Neprijat guards they didn’t need to look further, keeping the false bottom from discovery.
Prince Valdis was bringing the king a boon. He’d found Corinthian rebels. And the females they’d been hiding as well. Then a surprisingly large amount of gold to fund their efforts. Valdis would be rewarded. Of course the Neprijat let him through with the new gaggle of slaves, right through the front doors.
Kaita looked up as she was led through by the chain, noting all the stairs up to the palace. A thousand of them and pure white. The winter air was freezing and the higher they climbed the more unforgiving it would get.
Winter already.
At least the snow had been swept off the stairs. No one would fall to their death today.
Kaita couldn’t help but remember every other time she’d climbed these stairs in her life. The palace was so familiar, yet so different. She hardly recognized it covered in the Neprijat colors of black and green. The crest was nothing fancy, simply a black circle on a green background.
Why it disturbed her so much, she couldn’t say.
Perhaps it was just the confirmation that there really wasn’t anything about the Neprijat that was familiar—that she could relate to. They did not have art or love. How did they evenlive?
“Your warriors are ready to free the slaves?” she asked, pulling out the necklace from between her breasts, the only thing she’d kept.
“They’re already at every pen in the capitol. Thirty seconds. Then every slave on Khara Prime will be released,” Valdis confirmed.
Kaita nodded and activated her beacon. Then she gave it to Valdis. Once it was on, only her death or deactivating it herself would make it go dark. Valdis tucked it away and gave her a nod before tugging on the chains.
The sound of a drone coming up behind them had her dropping her eyes to the ground as she climbed those white marble stairs. It hovered over their large group before zooming up to the castle. Kaita tried not to think of the last time she’d been here when she’d played with Nash’s sister.
Dead now like so many others.
The golden doors loomed above them and Kaita nearly stopped, but she chided herself and shoved down the fear she felt nearly choke her. The idea of being face to face with the Neprijat king…it terrified her on a basic level she didn’t really understand.