Adelina looked to Varan like she couldn’t be bothered to reply. Then she turned to Nash and Kaiden. “Release him.”
And they did. Instantly.
Asher knew this was a test. Not for the Neprijat. But forhim.
Even Veri didn’t move. She was trusting their queen – not her friend and soon to be sister-in-law – herqueen.
That was the test wasn’t it? Asher wondered if his sister had ever truly believed his support after all the cycles he’d known her as a true submissive.
Sozav didn’t move from his seat, but he did shake out his arms, as though the grip that had held him in place had been so tight it kept blood from his hands. Then he cracked his neck and settled back against the chair with a sigh of relief.
Asher’s gaze snapped to Varan when his king consort began speaking – not brother.
“We want to encourage trade and travel once this war is done. It would enrich our kingdom and open the eyes of our people to other ways of life. The Unchanged have agreed to send people to man the embassy we will build for them. As will the Drakesthai. One for Brogna will be built so their voices may be heard – after all our decisions affect them.”
Adelina nodded, picking up her cup and sipping.
All of this decided and done without a single advisor or Hand to suggest otherwise. But she hadn’t needed them. Adelina had secured three alliances all on her own when previous rulers were content to ignore the other people in the galaxy.
“Based on this we would like to ensure no one else gets the idea that they can conquer our kingdom, or those of our allies. If someone calls for aid we will answer,” Varan said, emerald eyes glittering as he focused on Asher. Again that challenge from another male who’s dominance was slightly lower than his, but his rank outweighed Asher’s own. “Nothing like what happened to the Drakesthai will happen again. The queen will not allow it.”
Asher didn’t know what to say. “And we will have embassies on the capitols in the other systems?”
Veri rested her chin on her hand as she leaned forward, elbow on her knee. She was thinking and absorbing. She’d made her decision about the Neprijat, but she was considering everything Adelina was presenting to them now.
“What about their persuasion?” Asher finally asked, feeling his reasons for disagreeing crumbling away and it left him scrambling. “We can’t know they aren’t forcing you to do this, or any of us.”
Sozav smiled and looked up at Kaiden then Nash before angling his neck just so – a thin white scar glittered just below his ear. “Part of our agreement is that we are willing to have that trait removed,” the Neprijat explained. “Prince Ian already performed the procedure on me. I am not capable of making anyone do anything ever again, and let me tell you Hand, it is a relief to know that a queen this powerful agreed to this of her own free will. I will never have to doubt that.”
And Asher believed it with his heart and soul.
To willingly give up that kind of power for a better future for his people, that was something he could understand. What would Asher sacrifice for his people? Right at that moment Adelina was asking him to sacrifice his pride and his prejudices.
Could he do that?
The picture Adelina had painted was everything he’d wished for and more when he’d wanted to be king – if only to make those changes. And here she was offering it to him—asking him to help her.
He held the Neprijat’s gaze without blinking.
If he couldn’t give up his prejudice and pride, this Neprijat was a better male than he was. There was no denying that.
Asher blinked and the tension in the room eased as he turned to Veri. “I did hand over this choice to you, my love. How would you suggest we rule them once their power of persuasion has been removed?”
Veri grinned at him, knowing he’d given in already even if he hadn’t been so explicit. Somehow this female knew him better than he even knew himself. She’d known he’d concede. Asher smiled ruefully. He supposed that was one of the things he loved about her, even if it did get under his skin on occasion.
“Someone will need to be appointed as our point of contact,” Veri said, voice eager. This new proposition was exciting for her, and just once Asher wished he could hear her thoughts. “We need to maintain a presence in their system as well as having some of them live among us. Our people will be slow to adjust, but we will implement laws to protect both peoples. Once the persuasion has been removed from their genetics the next generation won’t possess it. So that matter will be handled.”
Veri paused as she thought. “We need to share our tech with each other, without secrets or holding anything back. We need to improve signals and transmissions as well. Seeing things occur in real time is important with such distance between us and our allies. If they called for aid we would not be able to answer in time – like what happened with Nash’s people.” Veri shot the Corinthian prince an apologetic look.
Nash shrugged – he did not blame them. After all, even he had not made it in time.
Adelina’s smile grew with each of Veri’s words. “My brother has chosen well. If you would like to be made an official advisor I can draw up the contract. You may review that when you review my alliance proposition with the Neprijat.”
Sozav was still quiet. He didn’t ask for anything, and he didn’t try to interrupt with his own opinions despite the fact they were discussing the fate of his people. It was rather impressive.
Asher wondered if all in the rebels were like this, or if it was simply this male.